Summer Camp and CF


New member
Hi All,
As I am getting paperwork ready for my two kids with CF to attend a couple of camps, I thought it might be fun to get your tips about what helps you enjoy and take good care of yourself at camp- how do you get your breathing treatments done, manage your meds, and stay healthy?

Do you have any thoughts about how we parents of kids with CF can help our kids to have a good time and be healthy, too?

What are your Do's and Don't for us parents? Any good camp stories that can make us all chuckle?

Thanks for sharing! I'll post your ideas over on the families forum as well as on my website under

Link: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.happyheartfamilies....TipsForCFParents.html">http://www.happyheartfamilies....TipsForCFParents.html</a>

Thanks and have a GREAT summer!


New member
Hi All,
As I am getting paperwork ready for my two kids with CF to attend a couple of camps, I thought it might be fun to get your tips about what helps you enjoy and take good care of yourself at camp- how do you get your breathing treatments done, manage your meds, and stay healthy?

Do you have any thoughts about how we parents of kids with CF can help our kids to have a good time and be healthy, too?

What are your Do's and Don't for us parents? Any good camp stories that can make us all chuckle?

Thanks for sharing! I'll post your ideas over on the families forum as well as on my website under

Link: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.happyheartfamilies....TipsForCFParents.html">http://www.happyheartfamilies....TipsForCFParents.html</a>

Thanks and have a GREAT summer!


New member
Hi All,
<br />As I am getting paperwork ready for my two kids with CF to attend a couple of camps, I thought it might be fun to get your tips about what helps you enjoy and take good care of yourself at camp- how do you get your breathing treatments done, manage your meds, and stay healthy?
<br />
<br />Do you have any thoughts about how we parents of kids with CF can help our kids to have a good time and be healthy, too?
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<br />What are your Do's and Don't for us parents? Any good camp stories that can make us all chuckle?
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<br />Thanks for sharing! I'll post your ideas over on the families forum as well as on my website under
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<br />Link: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.happyheartfamilies....TipsForCFParents.html">http://www.happyheartfamilies....TipsForCFParents.html</a>
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<br />Thanks and have a GREAT summer!
<br />Lisa
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New member
Hey Lisa, I don't have kids myself but I do have CF, and I attended scout camp yearly when I was younger.
Our camp was set up where you picked classes/activities sort of like a school day, so I just spoke with some of the leaders and set up to have the first 'period' after breakfast free, so that was everybody else was gone from camp and it allowed me to do all my treatments and such.

I also learned by the second year of camp to carry some salt tablets around with me. Being out in the sun all day COMPLETELY drained me so being able to pop a salt tablet/pill or carrying around a water bottle with mixed-in gatorade powder made a huge difference in my energy and ability to participate.
We lose electrolytes and salt so quickly in the sun, it's even worse now that I'm older, if I don't sip gatorade while doing heavy work outside in the sun I don't last long.

Make sure you tell them to drink lots and lots and lots and lots of water. Water doesn't mean 'bug-juice', that is almost entirely sugar and will dehydrate us CFers much faster than a normal person. Water and gatorade were the key for me :)

Aside from that... I'm sure they are responsible and know how to take care of themselves and do their treatments... they will have a blast!

If I can think of anything else I'll let you know!


New member
Hey Lisa, I don't have kids myself but I do have CF, and I attended scout camp yearly when I was younger.
Our camp was set up where you picked classes/activities sort of like a school day, so I just spoke with some of the leaders and set up to have the first 'period' after breakfast free, so that was everybody else was gone from camp and it allowed me to do all my treatments and such.

I also learned by the second year of camp to carry some salt tablets around with me. Being out in the sun all day COMPLETELY drained me so being able to pop a salt tablet/pill or carrying around a water bottle with mixed-in gatorade powder made a huge difference in my energy and ability to participate.
We lose electrolytes and salt so quickly in the sun, it's even worse now that I'm older, if I don't sip gatorade while doing heavy work outside in the sun I don't last long.

Make sure you tell them to drink lots and lots and lots and lots of water. Water doesn't mean 'bug-juice', that is almost entirely sugar and will dehydrate us CFers much faster than a normal person. Water and gatorade were the key for me :)

Aside from that... I'm sure they are responsible and know how to take care of themselves and do their treatments... they will have a blast!

If I can think of anything else I'll let you know!


New member
Hey Lisa, I don't have kids myself but I do have CF, and I attended scout camp yearly when I was younger.
<br />Our camp was set up where you picked classes/activities sort of like a school day, so I just spoke with some of the leaders and set up to have the first 'period' after breakfast free, so that was everybody else was gone from camp and it allowed me to do all my treatments and such.
<br />
<br />I also learned by the second year of camp to carry some salt tablets around with me. Being out in the sun all day COMPLETELY drained me so being able to pop a salt tablet/pill or carrying around a water bottle with mixed-in gatorade powder made a huge difference in my energy and ability to participate.
<br />We lose electrolytes and salt so quickly in the sun, it's even worse now that I'm older, if I don't sip gatorade while doing heavy work outside in the sun I don't last long.
<br />
<br />Make sure you tell them to drink lots and lots and lots and lots of water. Water doesn't mean 'bug-juice', that is almost entirely sugar and will dehydrate us CFers much faster than a normal person. Water and gatorade were the key for me :)
<br />
<br />Aside from that... I'm sure they are responsible and know how to take care of themselves and do their treatments... they will have a blast!
<br />
<br />If I can think of anything else I'll let you know!


New member
Hi Blake,
Thanks for taking the time to reply. You have alot of great thoughts about this. Funny- my son is going to his first Boy Scout Camp this summer. It's a whole week and I am a little nervous but mostly excited for him. Your comments help me to be more relaxed about it. You are right, he will have a great time. Life is to be lived!


New member
Hi Blake,
Thanks for taking the time to reply. You have alot of great thoughts about this. Funny- my son is going to his first Boy Scout Camp this summer. It's a whole week and I am a little nervous but mostly excited for him. Your comments help me to be more relaxed about it. You are right, he will have a great time. Life is to be lived!


New member
Hi Blake,
<br />Thanks for taking the time to reply. You have alot of great thoughts about this. Funny- my son is going to his first Boy Scout Camp this summer. It's a whole week and I am a little nervous but mostly excited for him. Your comments help me to be more relaxed about it. You are right, he will have a great time. Life is to be lived!
<br />Lisa
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