Supplements for a 10 months old baby? (



Hi, our daughter is almost 10 months old now, and I was wondering what type of supplements we could give her. We already take some vitamins, and put two tablespoons of olive oil with her food, but I was wondering about probiotics and omega 3/DHA supplements, as I have read many positive experiences here.
So, my question is, what can we give her in order to boost her immune system? What about dosing?
I've found some omega 3 pills at the local drug store, but I'm not sure they are suitable for babies at this age.
Thanks in advance.


Hi, our daughter is almost 10 months old now, and I was wondering what type of supplements we could give her. We already take some vitamins, and put two tablespoons of olive oil with her food, but I was wondering about probiotics and omega 3/DHA supplements, as I have read many positive experiences here.
So, my question is, what can we give her in order to boost her immune system? What about dosing?
I've found some omega 3 pills at the local drug store, but I'm not sure they are suitable for babies at this age.
Thanks in advance.


New member
Hi there! We tried DHA for DD but her nutritionist actually advised against it...something about the processing of these fats among individuals that have CF can actually cause inflammation. I haven't researched that myself, but stopped giving it to her. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> We were also cautioned against adding oil to her food because it's not broken down enough to be beneficial or absorbed well even with enzymes. We've been successful with Duocal. DD drinks Pediasure 1.5 with toddler milk formula and Duocal three times daily, 1000-3000 IU VitD3, and sea salt...


New member
Hi there! We tried DHA for DD but her nutritionist actually advised against it...something about the processing of these fats among individuals that have CF can actually cause inflammation. I haven't researched that myself, but stopped giving it to her. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-blush.gif" border="0"> We were also cautioned against adding oil to her food because it's not broken down enough to be beneficial or absorbed well even with enzymes. We've been successful with Duocal. DD drinks Pediasure 1.5 with toddler milk formula and Duocal three times daily, 1000-3000 IU VitD3, and sea salt...


Our daughter is also ten months old and thriving great!
Here is what we give her daily:
1ml Aquadeks (will change to 2ml when she is one year old) -> I can really recommend that!
2g Salt (normal household salt, divided over the different meals)
1 teaspoon rapseed oil (organic, cold-pressed, contains much more Omega3 and Omega6 fats then olive oil!)


Our daughter is also ten months old and thriving great!
Here is what we give her daily:
1ml Aquadeks (will change to 2ml when she is one year old) -> I can really recommend that!
2g Salt (normal household salt, divided over the different meals)
1 teaspoon rapseed oil (organic, cold-pressed, contains much more Omega3 and Omega6 fats then olive oil!)
At that age Asia got additiona omegamed oil- omega3 oils apart from what wrote Kaethe but I finished breastfeeding at that time. till she was breastfed - the doc said omeg 3 is not needed.
At that age Asia got additiona omegamed oil- omega3 oils apart from what wrote Kaethe but I finished breastfeeding at that time. till she was breastfed - the doc said omeg 3 is not needed.


New member
Our 10-month-old has trouble with baby forumla being added to his bottles (of breast milk). It causes severe constipation. So, to get extra calories, we started adding MCT Oil to his bottles after he lost weight before his last clinic appointment. It's a little on the pricey side (we pay $93 for a bottle that looks like it will last us about 2.5 months), but he's suddenly outgrowing his clothes and doesn't look emaciated anymore, so it's completely worth it to us. MCT oil is derived from coconut oil (so you have to start slow and make sure your baby doesn't have a nut allergy), but it's supposed to be easier for CF-ers to digest than other types of oils.


New member
Our 10-month-old has trouble with baby forumla being added to his bottles (of breast milk). It causes severe constipation. So, to get extra calories, we started adding MCT Oil to his bottles after he lost weight before his last clinic appointment. It's a little on the pricey side (we pay $93 for a bottle that looks like it will last us about 2.5 months), but he's suddenly outgrowing his clothes and doesn't look emaciated anymore, so it's completely worth it to us. MCT oil is derived from coconut oil (so you have to start slow and make sure your baby doesn't have a nut allergy), but it's supposed to be easier for CF-ers to digest than other types of oils.


Thanks everybody for the responses, now I have some research to do! Thanks again!


Thanks everybody for the responses, now I have some research to do! Thanks again!


New member
I did some research on prices of MCT oil, and I found a place that sells the exact same oil that we paid $93 for last month for $53 (and if you buy 2 bottles, you get free shipping). It's supposed to be better than straight coconut oil because they remove the low- and high-chain triglycerides and only leave the medium-chain ones, which are supposed to be easier for a CF-er to digest. I have no affiliation with the company, but I don't know if I should post their website here. If anyone's interested, pm me, and I'll send you over the link.



New member
I did some research on prices of MCT oil, and I found a place that sells the exact same oil that we paid $93 for last month for $53 (and if you buy 2 bottles, you get free shipping). It's supposed to be better than straight coconut oil because they remove the low- and high-chain triglycerides and only leave the medium-chain ones, which are supposed to be easier for a CF-er to digest. I have no affiliation with the company, but I don't know if I should post their website here. If anyone's interested, pm me, and I'll send you over the link.
