surgery for sinus polyps??


New member
A CT scan shows my daughter has a lot of sinus inflammation and sinus polyps, which may be the cause of a long run of heavy colds she's had all year. The CF doc says she'll need surgery. We're taking her to an ENT specialist next week. Is surgery really the best strategy for polyps? What are the pro's and con's? Any advice? Thanks.


New member
My daughter had surgery for polyps 3 years ago (she is 13). It was a relatively easy procedure and definitely did help. We use saline spray (which we make) to keep her nose clear and rhinocort.


It's really no big thing. I've had 4 within the last 5 years. 2 were out of necessity and the other three were because my doctor wasn't the greatest on the block (make sure your doctor a good reputation...) I believe other than antiobiotics to get rid of light polyps there is really no other way to get rid of them. For the pro side- The relief is immediate. You can breathe through your nose again. The headaches and sinus pain go away along with the constant need to either sniff or blow your nose. The con side- The first time you have it done is the worst. It feels like your getting your wisdom teeth pulled. It's messy, it hurts, and you'll swear to god that you'll never do it again. But within 1-2 days later you will feel SO much better. (especially with the pain killers.... hahaha) and have a nice clear nose. If you take good care of your nose you really shouldn't have to go through it again, unless needed.


New member
From the time I was 5 till now (24) I've had several polyp/cleanout sinus surgeries.As Candice said; the 1st can be a bit messy an well I wouldn't say painful;but an annoyance.Also after the surgery your duaghter will probly notice any change if she begins to get inflamed again or clog up.That would be the time to go back before it become a problem once more;as preventative medicine.The thing is to keep up w/ what the Dr. prescribes as preventitive treatmant following the initial surgery (usually some sorta nasal spray) to prevent any further growth; I didn't..thats why I had to have so many.Byron24 w/C.F.Post Tx. 1yr 3months


New member
It's really a good idea. I had nasal polyps removed when I was 5. I was scared because I was 5, but it's not a huge procedure. And I still have a little bit of inflammation, but I haven't had polyps again since then.