Surgery Today...


New member
Hey Everyone.
They're taking Erin for her surgery today between 12:00 and 1:00.
I'm EXTREMELY nervous.
PLEASEEEEEEE pray for her!!



New member
I have never stopped. However, I will kick it into overdrive for the next few hours. Let us know how things are & give that little one a smooch when you can.


New member
I am praying for Lindsey to easily get through the procedure and for a quick recovery also peace for you!!
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 4 and Jack, 2 both with cf


New member
Hey guys...
Um, Erins <i>surgery</i> went fine. It went as well as expected.
However... she's back in the NICU.
They ended up giving her too much anathesia. (have no idea how to spell it)
and she couldn't wake up on her own. So now she is on a ventilater helping her breath and making sure she has enough oxygen. They're hoping that she won't be in the NICU for <i>really</i> more than tomorrow.... but who knows. It's been such a rollercoaster ride since she's been born that I honestly wouldn't be surprised if I didn't take her home for another month... <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-frown.gif" border="0">
Anyway... thankyou all for your prayers.


New member
Lindsay, Don't get down. At least the surgery is over. She is a tough little girl. You and your family are still in our prayers.


New member
She's already breathing on her own!! They took out her breathing tube and they think that she will be out of the NICU tomorrow!
They would let her out tonight but they just want her to be able to rest.


New member
Great news! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Keep your chin up Lindsay, things will get better; Erin will be home and before you know it you'll have settled into a routine and CF won't seem so overwhelming.

It takes time but you'll get there.


New member

So glad to here Erin's surgery went well and she is breathing on her own! She will be out of the NICU soon and home with you! Please feel free to keep e-mailing me with any questions you have once you get home!!!

Becky, Mom to Nathan, 4 w/o CF and Hayley, 17 months w/CF


New member
Erin got moved back up stairs to barbara bush again. She's out of the NICU!! <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> So... it's still a waiting game but we're all really excited!
That is awesome. I am so glad to hear that the surgery went well. I really pray that you get to take her home soon and get some normallacy in your life. Good luck and really if you would like to e-mail me feel free. I would love to hear from you.

Emilee with 2 E's