Well, the last time you heard from me I was full of questions and worried about my 12 year old daughter who had staph in her throat and who the doctors wanted to do a sweat test to test for cf. Today was the big day. We were both nervous, but we won't get the results until next week. Maybe you can help me. I saw the numbers, they were 61, 50, 07 and 06 (I don't know if the last two numbers are part of this or not). I have no idea if these numbers are good or not. I kind of thought they were high - and the higher the worse it was. But hey, I am no expert. If any body know what the numbers are about, I'd apreciate knowing. Next week is a long time! My daughter was a nervous wreck this morning. They did accumulate a lot of sweat - enough for two tests. The person who did the test told us not to worry. So that is maybe a good sign. I'd appreciate hearing from you! KAME