sweat test


New member
how long does it really take to get the results back on a sweat test? I keep hearing different time frames. and will the testing place give me the results or call them into my sons doctor? Which of course will delay me getting the info even longer.


New member
We had our results in less than 1 hour. We went to an accredited CF clinic for our son's testing. Good luck..


New member
We also had our results within an hour. The hospital notified the CF clinic there, and they called my pediatrician. She called me and told me of the positive result. After talking to me, she said that the CF clinic representative would be calling me within the hour to schedule appointments and answer questions.

So we spoke to both the pediatrician and the CF nurse practitioner within two hours of the test. I don't know if this turn around would be so quickly done if the result had been negative.

Maria (mother of three daughters, the youngest Samantha w/CF)


New member
It depends on the dr. Our drs had the results by lunch time the day we had the tests done. With our ds, our dr had asked me to call him so I had the results immediately. With our dd, our family dr read the results and it actually took two days to get the results. I think the difference was that our ds's test was ordered by a specialist and our dd's by our family dr. In my experience, specialists are usually quicker about getting the results to you. HTH.