HI. I have a question about sweat testing. Is it possible to get a "false positive" if it wasn't done correctly? My son is 5 and has had asthma issues since about 1 year old. He has never had pneumonia, and has no stomach/bowel problems. All through his childhood his peds. have diagnosed him with allergies and asthama, a common issue in our family. However, last year at christmas his cough seemed to escalate, so just to be safe our ped had him do a sweat test. His first test was 42, so considered borderline. His next test they did on both arms, and one reading was 57 and one 62. HOWEVER the tech who did it (at our local hospital, not a CF center) left the gauze pads on for 45-50 minutes rather than the 30 specified on all the reading I have done. He forgot to come back and when he did he was very apologtic. Well, I freaked out becasue everything I have read said 60 equals a diagnosis. We went to the pulmonologist and he had his blood tested. He only tested 97 mutations, but they were all negative. So, he has concluded that Evan only has asthma and is treating him accordingly. ANyway, I can't get the nagging suspicion out of my head about CF and wondering if I am just being paranoid and that the test was wrong due to the tech. Any suggestions?