Swimming pools


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<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://v.mercola.com/blogs/public_blog/Why-Are-Swimming-Pool-Workers-More-Prone-to-Colds--10098.aspx
Why Are Swimming Pool Workers More Prone to Colds?
Dr. Mercola View Dr. Mercola's Profile

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April 10, 2007
Swimming teachers, and others who spend time near chlorinated pools, face an increased risk of breathing problems.

Chlorine reacts with urine and sweat to create chemicals called chloramines that irritate the respiratory tract. A research team surveyed more than 600 swimming pool employees and measured levels of trichloramine, the most volatile type of chloramine, at 38 swimming pools.

Swimming instructors were more than twice as likely to suffer frequently from sinusitis or sore throat, and more than three times as likely to have chronic colds, than pool workers with less trichloramine exposure, such as catering employees or receptionists.

Compared to the general population, employees with high levels of exposure were at a 40 percent greater risk for tightness of the chest, and were over 700 percent more likely to suffer breathlessness while walking.

European Respiratory Journal, Vol. 29, No. 4, April 2007: 690-698

Yahoo News April 9, 2007


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<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://v.mercola.com/blogs/public_blog/Why-Are-Swimming-Pool-Workers-More-Prone-to-Colds--10098.aspx
Why Are Swimming Pool Workers More Prone to Colds?
Dr. Mercola View Dr. Mercola's Profile

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April 10, 2007
Swimming teachers, and others who spend time near chlorinated pools, face an increased risk of breathing problems.

Chlorine reacts with urine and sweat to create chemicals called chloramines that irritate the respiratory tract. A research team surveyed more than 600 swimming pool employees and measured levels of trichloramine, the most volatile type of chloramine, at 38 swimming pools.

Swimming instructors were more than twice as likely to suffer frequently from sinusitis or sore throat, and more than three times as likely to have chronic colds, than pool workers with less trichloramine exposure, such as catering employees or receptionists.

Compared to the general population, employees with high levels of exposure were at a 40 percent greater risk for tightness of the chest, and were over 700 percent more likely to suffer breathlessness while walking.

European Respiratory Journal, Vol. 29, No. 4, April 2007: 690-698

Yahoo News April 9, 2007


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<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://v.mercola.com/blogs/public_blog/Why-Are-Swimming-Pool-Workers-More-Prone-to-Colds--10098.aspx
Why Are Swimming Pool Workers More Prone to Colds?
Dr. Mercola View Dr. Mercola's Profile

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April 10, 2007
Swimming teachers, and others who spend time near chlorinated pools, face an increased risk of breathing problems.

Chlorine reacts with urine and sweat to create chemicals called chloramines that irritate the respiratory tract. A research team surveyed more than 600 swimming pool employees and measured levels of trichloramine, the most volatile type of chloramine, at 38 swimming pools.

Swimming instructors were more than twice as likely to suffer frequently from sinusitis or sore throat, and more than three times as likely to have chronic colds, than pool workers with less trichloramine exposure, such as catering employees or receptionists.

Compared to the general population, employees with high levels of exposure were at a 40 percent greater risk for tightness of the chest, and were over 700 percent more likely to suffer breathlessness while walking.

European Respiratory Journal, Vol. 29, No. 4, April 2007: 690-698

Yahoo News April 9, 2007


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Thanks Risa, but swimming in pools once in awhile shouldnt hurt I woulnt think. I dont swim a whole lot in pools but I know now not to, thank you that was very good information.


New member
Thanks Risa, but swimming in pools once in awhile shouldnt hurt I woulnt think. I dont swim a whole lot in pools but I know now not to, thank you that was very good information.


New member
Thanks Risa, but swimming in pools once in awhile shouldnt hurt I woulnt think. I dont swim a whole lot in pools but I know now not to, thank you that was very good information.


Interesting. All the rage in Ontario now are the salt water pools. Maybe after this study, people with CF will be more inclined to installing one of these instead of the traditional chlorine pools. Thanks for the info.

Adrienne - 24/f/CF


Interesting. All the rage in Ontario now are the salt water pools. Maybe after this study, people with CF will be more inclined to installing one of these instead of the traditional chlorine pools. Thanks for the info.

Adrienne - 24/f/CF


Interesting. All the rage in Ontario now are the salt water pools. Maybe after this study, people with CF will be more inclined to installing one of these instead of the traditional chlorine pools. Thanks for the info.

Adrienne - 24/f/CF


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My family had a salt water pool installed last year, and I love it. Its much healthier than the average chlorine pool. I never go swimming in public pools anymore, though. Too afraid of what's in them!


New member
My family had a salt water pool installed last year, and I love it. Its much healthier than the average chlorine pool. I never go swimming in public pools anymore, though. Too afraid of what's in them!


New member
My family had a salt water pool installed last year, and I love it. Its much healthier than the average chlorine pool. I never go swimming in public pools anymore, though. Too afraid of what's in them!


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Here's another article:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/81656/chlorinated_waters_and_lung_health.html">Chlorinated Waters and Lung Health</a>


New member
Here's another article:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/81656/chlorinated_waters_and_lung_health.html">Chlorinated Waters and Lung Health</a>


New member
Here's another article:

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.associatedcontent.com/article/81656/chlorinated_waters_and_lung_health.html">Chlorinated Waters and Lung Health</a>


New member
Glad that you found this info important. thank you Lightnlife for your article and I posted this on transplantbuddies.org


New member
Glad that you found this info important. thank you Lightnlife for your article and I posted this on transplantbuddies.org


New member
Glad that you found this info important. thank you Lightnlife for your article and I posted this on transplantbuddies.org


New member
that stinks. my old CF doctor used to tell me how great of exercise swimming was. i've done it off and on over the years. i'm not much good at it, but i do enjoy it. anyway, i guess this is probably worse at public pools? same as with hot tubs??


New member
that stinks. my old CF doctor used to tell me how great of exercise swimming was. i've done it off and on over the years. i'm not much good at it, but i do enjoy it. anyway, i guess this is probably worse at public pools? same as with hot tubs??