Switching to booster carseat


Staff member
Our son will be 3 this summer and weighs over 30 pounds and pretty soon we'll need to get him a booster car seat. I have it in my head that he needs a high back booster for more support instead of just a little booster that elevates him. I've looked at stores, trying to decide what's best.

The more inexpensive ones hardly have any padding -- feels like sitting on a board, so I want him to be comfortable. Saw some at Target that were in the 60-80 price range that seemed fine -- some are as expensive as $350. I want him to be safe, too. It's amazing all the options -- cup holders, snack containers, recline positions, reading lights.

Help! What has worked best for other parents?! Too many choices... sensory overload..... Liza


New member

I just wanted to caution you about moving your child to a booster too soon. Actually most convertible car seats hold up to 40 pounds unless your child outgrows the seat by height (when the shoulders go over the highest harness slots) and you really should keep your child in the convertible seat for as long as possible. Everytime you move to a different type of seat (example convertible to booster) you lose safety. So I would wait as long as possible. The booster is mainly to get the seatbelt to fit the child correctly and does not offer much protection in a crash. A convertible car seat is still going to really harness the child in tight and offer a lot of side protection in a crash.

I personally love Britax seats. They are expensive, but well worth the money in my opinion as they go through much stricter safety testing than US seats (they are made in the UK) We have the BRitax Marathon, which is about $250, but holds up to 65 pounds and has 4 set of harness slots, so if your child is not really tall this may still be a good seat for you.

When you get ready for a booster (I moved my son at about 4½) we have the Graco Turbo Booster. Awesome seat, easy to use, not to expensive, around $60. We have the highback version and then the back can be removed as they get older.

The other thing to consider with moving to a booster is can your child sit still and sit upright properly so that the seatbelt with protect correctly. I know at 3 that my son would never have sat still in a booster seat. It gives them a lot more freedom to move around in the car!!


Staff member
Thanks. His current car seat holds up to 40 pounds -- I think it's an evenflo triumph -- it's like a big comfy easy chair, but he's going thru a growth spurt right now -- when I picked him up at daycare the other day, I realized I need to retire some of his 2T pants that he's been wearng FOREVER -- he's suddenly shot up in height. At his April clinic appointment he was 33 pounds and 36.5 inches tall.

I'm in my research phase right now, but would expect in the next couple of months he'll need a new one. Just don't want to have to make one of those last minute decisions on the fly. Liza


Staff member
Oh, and when I was at Target last weekend, I noticed that the Graco Turbo Booster had the cushiest seat. When I checked the website, there were some other reviews for a compass folding booster seat -- reviewers talked about the extra padding and better neck support. Think the graco's now come with a half circle shaped pillow. We don't really need the folding option 'cuz once we put the carseats in our cars, we rarely remove them unless travelling in someone else's vehicle or flying somewhere.


New member
Keep him harnessed until 40 pounds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

3 year olds in boosters are not a good thing. If you can keep him harnessed, then do it. I consider it irresponsible to take a child out of a harnessed seat and move them to a booster before they hit the weight/height limits of the seat!

My 5 year olds are still harnessed, they are in Marathons that go to 65 pounds. My 11 year old was still harnessed at 8 in a Super Elite. My 3 1/2 year was rear facing until about 3 months past her 3rd birthday! And is still harnessed

If I was you, get a Britax Marathon or Regent

Heres an excellent link with lots of knowledgeable CPSTs

<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://forums.delphiforums.com/Carseats/start">http://forums.delphiforums.com/Carseats/start</a>


New member
When we were looking, someone suggested a britax or a racaro also because of the 5-point harness, but upon further research, the product info indicates NOT using the harness after your child is 40 pounds. Both of those seats run about $240, but weightwise, they'll last until your child is 80 pounds. We ended up with a britax for my car and racaro for my husbands -- he liked the idea that the seat was made by a company that makes racecar stuff.