Both. I like to know what others have gone through and learn from them. Also I like to help others in any way i can. But the silly forums aren't bad either! Growing up, it was never encouraged for me to go to the Cf camp or hang out with any other cf'ers. (Mostly because my brother was immune suppressed after his liver transplant at an early age of 8, so u know any colds we brought home carried more weight.)So growing up I just knew my sister and brother and their disease. It wasn't until my early twenties I learned the wide range of people out there with different severities of this disease. I just thought we were are all the same. It baffles me still to learn about adults in their 40's that have just found out they had the disease. Thats just crazy to me! Anyway, THats probably more then you want to know, but I'm a rambler! lol =l