Taking milk out of a bottle


New member
My son with cf is 20 months. I took him off the bottle three weeks ago because really is getting too old, and to see if he would eat better if he didn't take as much milk (a 9 ounce bottle after each meal). Well three weeks later, he doesn't drink but a few sips of milk out of a cup, doesn't eat any better, and looks thin for the first time since he was a newborn. I just gave him a bottle after lunch today and he finished the nine ounces within a few minutes. We are headed to a clinic appointment in two weeks and I just hate to see him sliding down the charts. His last appointment he was 75% for weight and 60% for height. What would you do??
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 3.5 and Jack, 1.5 both with cf


New member
What kind of cup are you using? There is a sippy cup made by Nuby and the spout is soft, more like a bottle. Maybe that would work.
Don't give up, although I am sure you are frustrated! It is just a change in his routine, and once he gets used to it he will be better. <img src="i/expressions/sun.gif" border="0">


New member
I understand! My son is 4 and just gave up a bottle recently, it sounds crazy but I don't regret it at all. I nursed him for one year and used bottles as a supplement. Once he weaned himself from breastfeeding we started high-calorie shakes, ensure, etc... in his bottle. We attempted, and were often succesful, giving his bottle up, however every time we did his caloric intake dropped. He did ok with sippy cups (I think i tried every one on the planet) but I found that he wasn't finishing it or asking for more. He wasn't complaining or trying to manipulate us. The fact is, we were more concerned with keeping his weight up and staying healthy than giving up the bottle. Don't let this be a power struggle with your child, kids with Cf have very different nutritional needs. If my son only wanted to eat out of a dog food bowl on the floor, that's fine with me!!!!! , as long as he is eating. Hang in there and don't worry about what other people think----do what is best for your son.


New member
Hi Sharon, we have the same problem! I have tried all kinds of sippy's and nothing has worked...with sippy's Sydney will only drink about 10 ounces of milk per day but with a bottle she will drink as much as 30 ounces!! I think she may be drinking from a bottle FOREVER!!! So, no help from me, I just wanted to let you know that you aren't alone!!!



New member
I thought I was the only one out there! My daughter will be 3 in July and I hate to take away her bottle for the same reasons! Also, it's the only way I know she will take her entire dose of zantac and vitamins!

Mom to Ally 4 w/o cf and Sophia 2 w/cf


Just remember you are in charge. All you are doing is breaking a habit. Keep trying to give them the sippy cup.... it just takes time. Children will drink when they get thirsty. And the weight will eventually come back up. Just be patient.


Have you tried offering chocolate milk in the sippy cup...it may intice the child to take the cup instead of a bottle.


New member
Our daughter was on a bottle until she was 3 (only at night and before naps) but it was hard to break her of it...it was also hard to get her to drink it when not in a bottle. She went from having 38 - 40 oz per day to about 3 oz per day...we had to make up for the calories in other ways, but we managed to do it...just keep at it and don't give up <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
I had it easy when it came to the cups. But with my daughter I did find she had a hard time sucking hard enough at first out of the sippy. We tried 2 different ones and one was easier for her. I think Gerber was easier than the Playtex...if my memory serves me correctly. But that's a BIG IF!

I'd have to say more it's the state of the phase. When we switched from formula to milk is when we made the transition. And we were pretty lucky. I like the idea someone had of putting something 'yummy' in the cup to get the feel for the cup first.

Good Luck!


New member
Thanks for all of the advice!! I really appreciate it. Jack has been taking a sippy cup with meals since he was about 8 months old. We have all different kinds of sippy cups . I have tried chocolate milk, he doesn't like it. Maybe it is the color, who doesn't like chocolate milk? I have used vanilla carnation instant breakfast in his milk since he was a year old. He just drinks sooo much more out of a bottle. I will try the Nuby cup, it looks good!
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 3.5 and Jack, 1.5 both with cf


New member
I don't know if it is a scientific fact or not, but I think all kids ultimately drink less from a cup than they do a bottle. As long as he's getting the nutrients he needs, I wouldn't be too worried. He is doing well being in the 75th percentile. I think you must be doing something right!


New member
I used the Avent bottles for my son. They have a sippy cup attachment to make transitioning better, it is completly interchangable with the bottle. the attachment is very soft and flexible and easy to suck on, I didn't need to buy a ton of sippy cups--just the sippy spout!

My son only wants ensure or boost in his cup, I think it's gross but he loves it.


I used those bottles they are great.The dr told me to start them when my son was about 14wks cause the spout was bigger then nipple holes. I think kids tend to do things when they are ready. My oldest was of the bottle at 7m old and using plain cups before his 1st b-day. He never crawled and took his first steps before he was 8m old. He just turned 2 and will pee in the toilet and has for a long time but only does his other bussiness in it most of the time. If he has diarrhea he will not wear underpants or sit on the toilet. I can't figure out how to fix that. My youngest is 8m old and he is not even close to doing the stuff his brother was at the same age.