Looking for some input from the experts. The flu is in our area and some kids are getting it even though thye have been vaccinated. Our neighbor had it who of course plays with my son(no CF). So this am my son said his tummy hurt and legs hurt. He has no fever and ate some toast, kept him home from school to be on the safe side. I called our ped cause I was concerned he could be coming down with the flu and our ped said to call right away if we suspect it. Anyhow(sorry if so long) our ped said that what my son is complaining of does does sound like the flu, that is would be more like high fever, head ache, dry cough, body aches, which I know this. So he's not giving my son the tamiflu at this point but if he seems to get a fever and other symptoms to bring him in. The pediatrician called back and said he could give Maggie (with CF) tamiflu prophylactically(low dose) for 2 weeks if I want cause she's high risk or to wait and bring her in right away and then get the reugular tamiflu for 5 days at regular dose if she really gets the flu. I'm weighing my options, said I'ld think about it, I'm feeling like i should wait,,, and not do the prophylactic tamilfu but I can't give a good reason why. anyway looking for experience and i trust my pediatrician and I think he was thinking about what would be a good option looking for our best interest.