

New member
a tattoo would only make you sick if you a) didnt care for it properly and it got infected b) the tattooist used bad technique or dirty equipment and it got infected c) your tattooist used equipment that was used on someone else and you got hepatitis or aids. go to a reputable tattooist, follow their instructions and see a doctor if it gets infected and you will be fine.
I totally agree with kybert but here is a nother thing to look for....

...a good way to know if a tatoo artist is a good artist, they will have awards on display in there area, because they will be good enough to win awards and proud enough to show them off.


New member
Like Kylie said, go to a reputable, clean place and follow the post-care instructions very carefully. I find that I scab over really horribly for several weeks after getting tattooed. I am not sure if this is because of my diabetes or my CF, or other unrelated factors. I have also noticed that in the week to week and a half following getting tattooed I usually have cold or flu like symptoms. I have spoken to a lot of people w/o chronic illness who have the same reaction. Make sure you are not sick or you don't have a flared infection when you decide to get tattooed. Getting tattooed is very hard on your body-- it takes a lot of work from your immune system to heal the area. Other than that, just make sure you have a bit to eat before the tattooing process! Happy inking.


New member
HI... Mom of a CF teen here, shes 19. As any mom .. make sure you want this thing on your body as you get older. What kind of work will you be doing... dont think i would like a tatoo on the neck of my pastor at church. but just a thought. For mothers day... my daughter designed a tatoo .. we both wear it proudly on our left foot.( same side) the heart is on.


New member
Hey Dave,

Hope you're well. I'm 27 with CF... currently awaiting a lung transplant, lung function is down to 20%. Don't worry about getting tattoo's, you only live once. I've sat in the tat chair 13 times over the past 9 years. They're addicting for me. Just about each time I get discharged from the hospital I find myself going out for another. It's been a form of venting for me. Some may not approve of this, but it's they're right to disapprove, and my right to continue getting more tat's. I wish you the best of luck with your health and the tat you end up getting. I guarantee that if you get one... you'll be back for another.

If you ever want some to chat with, that's been there and done that... I've gone through a lot with this illness, and would enjoy talking to anyone. Feel free to write me at ""

Take care,


New member
I agree with farbeyond, I've never had a problem with getting tatoo's (all 9 of them). I usually get mine after coming out of a hospital stay too.
I got my first one when I was 19, and kept going back.
Just make sure that you take care of it like you're told and you should have no problems.
Let us know if you decide on getting one!! Good Luck!! and it only hurts for a

Megan 24 w/CF


New member
Hiya, no a tatto wouldnt effect your skin, iv got one at the bottom of my back, and its been fine, iv had it since the begining of october

sammie/17/uk <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/lips.gif" border="0">


New member
I have CF and CFRD and I have three tattoos and am going for my 4th next month. Tattoos will not affect your CF. If you have CFRD - maintain your sugars at a healthy level, take care of your ink, and make sure you go to a reputable shop. I'm a moderator for a tattoo forum, so I know quiet a bit about tattoos. Feel free to email me at ; or check out the forum as well - you'll find a lot of information on tattooing, etc - and everyone there is incredibly friendly. I find tattooing as a way to vent all my frustrations out.

Here's the link:

Check it out!


New member
Get um while yah can...I know in Martha's case..she will not get any more after transplant...a little more risk involved. Martha (30/W CF) has two tattoos...she had no problems other than being a wuss! The LizzardQueen and the people on the web-site are really cool so check it out!



New member
I have three tattoos... i wish i knew how to put pictures on here or i would show you all... down my spine is my last name.. my left arm has a cross.. and my right arm is the best, it has roses.. with a horse shoe and says 65 on a banner and on another banner says roses.. for our disease.. how old are you people, i live in anaheim and have CF