This actually happened to me. I tested positive for mycrobacteriums avium and kansasi. I cultured them out for about six or seven months before I decided to go ahead with the antibiotics because they were wiping the floor with me. I go to the adult CF clinic at National Jewish Research Center in Denver, there are some specialists here who do nothing but deal with these mycrobacteriums. Maybe ask your doc if they are in touch with them b/c Nat'l Jewish is the #1 respratory hosp. in the country. Maybe check their website, they may have some lit. on it.
The antibiotics were really tough. I took three :zithro, rifampin (turned my pee bright orange!) and started with ethambutol. All were oral, but the schedule was more demanding and the side-effects were awful. I took zithro MWF, rifampin every day, and ethambutol every other day. The ethambutol made me vomit, like clock-work, so I tried taking it at different times to see when I was least bothered by it. Eventually I told them I couldn't keep doing it b/c my weight was such an issue that I wasn't willing to vomit every day. They switched me from the ethambutol to inhaled amakacin. I did this MWF, and had to mix it w/ saline myself to neb. it. It took about 30 min. to do.
They also upped my rifampin dose and it gave me fevers and horrific joint and muscle pain about an hour after I took it EVERY TIME. It was so bad that I wouldn't be able to do anything but lay in bed or sit in a hot bath until it broke. The fevers were never higher than 101 but they pain was awful. If I absolutly had to go do something, I would take asprin or tylenol or IBp. My docs said it was way more important to knock out the mycrobac, so I took the stuff before I went to bed and just delt with it.
I was on these for almost a year, BUT I killed the stuff off and have felt so much better since. I had to have my liver functions checked every other month and there was never any damage done. It can sometimes take several weeks for mycrobac to grow out in a mucus culture, so you may not have an answer right away.
I have to run, but please post again if you need more info!
24 w/ CF