teenage pics!


New member
hey guys, in the adult and family catagories recently they were attaching pics to their post i'd love to be able to put a face to a name and see some teenagers all the way over in in America, it'd be cool! so anyone got any pics of themselves, i can't do it at the moment cos i'm terrible on computers, as "cfgirl2008" and "jazzysMom" know, earlier we were on the chat thing n i couldn't keep up cos i was too slow!!!!! LOL! Aw the shame, ah well, i'll get there! Hope to see some pics n hope everyone's keepin well! lotsa <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0"> xx


New member
hey rosie yeah i sure did don't know how to send one back, sorry? How you keepin? you in college now? You're so lucky to have done you're lc i wish i was past it so much, 5th year's so horrible, what are the chances of us beim the only 2 irish in this forum as far as i know anyway!! So what's Vincent's like? Any news in general? Wb xx


New member
Yeah I've started college and am really liking it! Cas now I get to do stuff I actually want to do as opposed to maths, irish, english and all that stuff which I hated!!! Don't worry, you get used to 5th year after a while, its hard esp after 4th when you pretty much dossed through the year.
I was told last week that I have pre-diabetes which is kinda crappy but Im hoping they tell me I need insulin with my feeds, cas apparently it helps you to put on weight. Im moving to Vincents in 2weeks-ahh, I hate Vincents <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0">, oh well. How are you keeping yourself? x


New member
I have diabetes and i'm on insulin, it's a pain in the start getting used to it all and waitingg for them to figure out exactly how much you need etc., but i'm on it 3/4mths mow and it's grand i have so much more energy and my lung functions are way up!! I'm not too well at the mo but that's just liver stuff ah well! I have to go to vincent's too cos that's where the liver doc and the cf and diabetes doc are too, i'm dreading it!! mY COUSIN'S IN Beaumont and she says it's so nice, so that's kinda annoying! Hopefully we'll only be in for check-ups though cos of the home iv's. good luck with the diabetes and let me know how it goes k? Take care xx