Teenager And Sexual Affects of CF


New member
As a 16 year old guy, I just figured out this year that males cant have children....
I was wondering how other guys around my age and old handles something like that and considering that it is like a huge part of being a male is being fertile...

Also anyone else have a hard time like after intercourse....I my self have like a astma attack and end up coughing alot and throwing up.

Also how do guys my age keep there confidence up and feel good about themself and feel like they are attractive when they are smaller then like the girls there age?


New member
As a 16 year old guy, I just figured out this year that males cant have children....
I was wondering how other guys around my age and old handles something like that and considering that it is like a huge part of being a male is being fertile...

Also anyone else have a hard time like after intercourse....I my self have like a astma attack and end up coughing alot and throwing up.

Also how do guys my age keep there confidence up and feel good about themself and feel like they are attractive when they are smaller then like the girls there age?


New member
As a 16 year old guy, I just figured out this year that males cant have children....
I was wondering how other guys around my age and old handles something like that and considering that it is like a huge part of being a male is being fertile...

Also anyone else have a hard time like after intercourse....I my self have like a astma attack and end up coughing alot and throwing up.

Also how do guys my age keep there confidence up and feel good about themself and feel like they are attractive when they are smaller then like the girls there age?


New member
Umm, you are not really infertile...most CFers still produce normal Semen, its just 97% are missing some tube or something that sends it where it needs to go. You can go to a doctor and they can take semen out of you and place it into a woman, and theres CFers who have done it...however your kids will carry the CF gene, and it might just be better to adopt, especially if your wife carries the gene also...but thats up to you. Also I don't think ejaculation effects wieght at all, it might just stengthen up those forearm muscles lol.


New member
Umm, you are not really infertile...most CFers still produce normal Semen, its just 97% are missing some tube or something that sends it where it needs to go. You can go to a doctor and they can take semen out of you and place it into a woman, and theres CFers who have done it...however your kids will carry the CF gene, and it might just be better to adopt, especially if your wife carries the gene also...but thats up to you. Also I don't think ejaculation effects wieght at all, it might just stengthen up those forearm muscles lol.


New member
Umm, you are not really infertile...most CFers still produce normal Semen, its just 97% are missing some tube or something that sends it where it needs to go. You can go to a doctor and they can take semen out of you and place it into a woman, and theres CFers who have done it...however your kids will carry the CF gene, and it might just be better to adopt, especially if your wife carries the gene also...but thats up to you. Also I don't think ejaculation effects wieght at all, it might just stengthen up those forearm muscles lol.


New member
ya dont they like get the semen from where it is produced, like isent it a surgery?

i would think ejaculation would effect ur weigh wouldnt it??


New member
ya dont they like get the semen from where it is produced, like isent it a surgery?

i would think ejaculation would effect ur weigh wouldnt it??


New member
ya dont they like get the semen from where it is produced, like isent it a surgery?

i would think ejaculation would effect ur weigh wouldnt it??


New member
yeah, they simply extract it out of your testicals! yum

Ejaculation definately doesn't affect one's weight. It is simply a release of protein which your body has plenty of.

18/m with CF


New member
yeah, they simply extract it out of your testicals! yum

Ejaculation definately doesn't affect one's weight. It is simply a release of protein which your body has plenty of.

18/m with CF


New member
yeah, they simply extract it out of your testicals! yum

Ejaculation definately doesn't affect one's weight. It is simply a release of protein which your body has plenty of.

18/m with CF


New member
I know it could probably "spoil the moment", but before I engage in... umm, activity (so to speak) with my hubby, I usually do a few puffs of my inhaler. It tends to help so I don't get out of breath or have asthmatic reactions. Just a little advice. = )


New member
I know it could probably "spoil the moment", but before I engage in... umm, activity (so to speak) with my hubby, I usually do a few puffs of my inhaler. It tends to help so I don't get out of breath or have asthmatic reactions. Just a little advice. = )


New member
I know it could probably "spoil the moment", but before I engage in... umm, activity (so to speak) with my hubby, I usually do a few puffs of my inhaler. It tends to help so I don't get out of breath or have asthmatic reactions. Just a little advice. = )