Tell me about the vibralung?


New member
Anyone on here have kiddos that use it? I read about it in one of the other forums. I would love to know more about the results and what you are seeing if you use it.



I use it and I love it! It's really easy and there isn't any effort involved. It uses sound waves to clear your airways. The idea came from a husband who's wife had COPD. Race horses also use a similar device before races to get the mucus out of their airways before races. So if it works for them, its got to work for us. There are three different levels on the vibralung and each has a different range of pitches. Each session lasts about 7 mins. I've had mine since may and my lung functions actually improved on it. I got so much gunk out it was awesome. It can be used with the vest and has a special attachment to it so you can do aerosols with it. I found it to be a lot more effective than the vest.