The Denmark Way


New member
Wow...that is really interesting. Thanks for sharing. Really does make you stop and think.......


New member
Do you have a copy of the article? I can't find it on-line. I would love to be able to discuss it with my children's doctor.
Sharon, mom of Sophia, 5 and Jack, 3 both with cf


New member
I also found that very interesting and did a search to find the article for you Sharon. I managed to locate the previous editions of the newsletter, however they stopped at seven so I'm guessing that perhaps edition 8, where Amy says this article is featured, has not been uploaded onto the site yet. The site is: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
make that: <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>


New member
I am curious if just isolating the IV antibiotic usage as THE factor for living longer is leaving out other important factors in their approach to care. You have to look at their entire approach and for how long this has been in place to make conclusions. Looking at the entire life span of the care received for those who live to 50+ is what I would want to see.

Is breastfeeding the norm (as with the Swedes)? How many of this population was fully breastfed as an infant? This plays an important role in immune system development way into adulthood and many countries who simply don't see it as a choice, do not experience the type of chronic illness we do here.

Is nutrition viewed differently than here? Are supplements part of care? European countries study and test the efficacy of herbs/supplements and most countries regulate the quality and consistency of such substances like our FDA does with drugs. Dosing, warnings and benefits of natural substances are available in many countries and doctors use and prescribe them much more frequently than in the states.

This is what I'd be asking when I see <b>80% of Danes live into 5th decade</b>. I wouldn't just assume IV antibiotics is the source of their health and longevity. Can this be truly isolated in a study if these other questions aren't asked? What is being compared here?



New member
How do they not become resistant to the antibiotics afer so many years of every three months? Is it just because they rotate them or something?


New member
My daughter's doctor who is pretty prominent in CF care also has told me about the CF patients in Denmark who all get IV's quarterly per year regardless of symptoms.

The topic was brought up because Sami had a lot of respiratory issues and we were discussing having routine IV's done every six months.

Our doc did also say that although the Denmark patients ARE the healthiest, they are also the most resistent.

Maria (mom to Sami, three years old w/cf)


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Our doc did also say that although the Denmark patients ARE the healthiest, they are also the most resistent.</end quote></div>

I'm not sure I understand this. How can they be the healthiest, but at the same time the most resistant? You would think you'd be sicker if you were the most resistant? Maybe I'm wrong on this.


New member
Hmmm interesting Amy, i have been having tune ups about each 4-6
months regardless of if i am sick or not. i felt that keeping my
motor well serviced was a better play than waiting for a total
breakdown then having a complete overhaul performed. along with all
my other plays my gameplan seems to be working well. keep
depleteing the germs ranks of foot soldiers before they assemble an
entire f**king goliath army in my lungs is my belief, i aint
relying on a slingshot and a freaky aim to win my battle!! i find
it very interesting to see how different people play there cf
cards. interesting article though, good spotting girl :))