The New Eflow Nebulizer


New member
Ok so I went in for my appt today and asked my doc about the new EFlow nebulizer that I have been hearing about. She tells me that it isnt really a nubulizer but a delivery system. It cant hold much fluid amounts, and it can only be used on certain types of fluids due to how they break down. She said it actually has not been clincally studied but she has been researching on it and will contiune. But the bad thing is that it wouldnt really work good for most of us. You cant take Tobi in it, or pulmozyme, or the hypertonic saline. She said that they Pari Ultra neb is still the best out there for CF. So I thought I would share that with you all b/c i saw it and was excited about it but confused b/c it didnt really look like a nebulizer. So thats what she told me.


New member
I live in the UK and have an eFlow. I use it for Tobi and DNase.
There was a little confusion at my unit as to what else it could be used for but I know of people that also use it for Colistin and Salbutamol. I don't think you can use hypertonic saline in it though.
Unless it's different in the US, I can't imagine why you've been told this. (??)


New member
Wow really Laura!!! See I have never talked to anyone really who had it and another CF family that we know got it for her daughter and they liked it. I brought it up to my Doc and she said no. Which was where i was confused. But she is one of the leading top CF doctors for adults and runs the whole Adult Vanderbuilt Cilnic so I know she knows what she is talking about. Maybe when I see her in 2 months she will have some more reasearch for me on it. She said she was curretnly researching on it seeing as it has not been clincally tested. I wonder if they are the same ones or if they are different.


New member
I have an Eflow too and to me, from a Colistin Program. The company i got the Eflow Rapid from said i can use Pulmozyme and HS with it too.

I live in the Netherlands and heard somewhere that there is a difference between the European and the American version. I don't really know what it is but that you can use the European version with more things then you can use the American one for. I think Uli (she is from this board) knows more about that?


New member
can you use tobramycin with the euro version? ive been thinking about saving money for one. words cant describe how much i hate long neb sessions.