"The New Kid in Town"


New member
"The New Kid in Town

Dear, all

Hello, my name is Bryan and I am 19 years old. I was diagnosed with Cystic Fibrosis at approximately one month old, and that was due to my brother having it my parents recognized the symptoms and got me tested quickly. I am the younger of two children, my brother is 21. We are the only two in the family chain that have this disease. I have had several issues in dealing with cf, including 5 collapsed lungs, surgery where they scrape the inside of the lung shell and outside of the lung wall as to allow them to heal together so my lung can not collapse again. That was only to the right side though as the left only collapsed once. I have esophageal banding every six months due to veins bleeding into my stomach. I have had

I missed my entire last semester of High School due to health because I am unable to walk around that much and still have energy to concentrate and work diligently. I know a good dozen other cf patients, not including my brother. I have learned a great deal about transplants from friends who have had them, and I know about death from friends who have passed. Many a great people are to be missed by some, and unknown to others. I have dealt with depression for the past yearish and it has been rough at times. I once attempted suicide but luckily wasn?t brave enough to go through with it. This disease has worn me down physically, and mentally. I fear the day that I can no longer withstand the grasp it has over my health.

For now thought, I continue to fight and kick and scream. I shalln?t give up, and I hope you don?t either. Life is meant to be lived, nor forfeited.


(Message title are lyrics from "New kid in town" by "Eagles.")


New member
Welcome......it sounds like U have had a rough year yet U are hear to share your story. That shows how much fight U do have in you. Many of us have come to a point that we think there is just nothing left to give as we are faced with another obstacle, but somehow we manage to get thru it. I truly believe that CFers are some of the strongest/toughest people in the world. I am glad that U found this site & I hope U will feel comfortable enough to open up to us as needed & maybe even offer assistance/advice to someone that U can relate to in a certain situation.


New member
Dear Melissa,

Yeah, I have been through a lot and am still fighting. I must admit that I have stopped fighting at times and nothing good has come of it. Yeah, I am always willing to share the information I have with others and I'm glad I found this site. My girlfriend actually came upon this site when looking up information, and she showed it to me, I'm ever so grateful of that. I have been through a lot, and what I haven't dealt with, I have friends who probably have. I love to share any information and help out when others need it.
