The relationship of Cystic Fibrosis and Depression?


New member
I've posted this in the Adult section, but I would love imput from all ages. So please take a few minutes and read over this and fill it out if you would like.

I need everyone help on this. I am taking a psychology class, and as a requirement of the class I have to do a research project. I am required to ask a question about a subject that is important to me and then with my research answer that question. My question is this: What is the relationship of Cystic Fibrosis and Depression? So I am asking all of you Cfers to help me out on this. Below I have a list of questions that I have for all of you. If you do not feel comfortable about replying to them on here please e-mail them to me at <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>. I appreciate every and all answers that I receive. Also I would like to add that no ones name will be used in my final report.

1. What is your age?

2. Are you a Male of Female?

3. Where do you live?

4. At what age were you diagnosed with CF?

5. How would you classify your CF, Severe, Moderate, or Fair or does not affect you in any way, and please explain.

6. Are you depressed or have you ever been depressed, if so what aged did this start?

7. If you said yes to the above question, do you feel that this relates to your CF, if so how?

8. If you said yes to question 6, but no to questions 7, please explain.

9. How severe have you been Depressed, Severe, Moderate, or Fair, and please explain?

10. Do you feel that there are sufficient resources for your Depression and CF?

11. Do you feel that your Depression has had a negative impact on your CF?

12. Do you feel that any of the medication that you are or have taken has caused or impacted your Depression in a negative way?

13. Do you feel that your Depression fluctuates as your health fluctuates?

14. Does any one else in you family suffer from Depression?

15. Has something else, besides CF, such as a traumatic event, or an environmental factor influences you your Depression, if so what and to what extent?

Please add further detail if you like, and like I mentioned before, you will remain anonymous in my final report. I thank all of you in advance, and I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.


New member
I've posted this in the Adult section, but I would love imput from all ages. So please take a few minutes and read over this and fill it out if you would like.

I need everyone help on this. I am taking a psychology class, and as a requirement of the class I have to do a research project. I am required to ask a question about a subject that is important to me and then with my research answer that question. My question is this: What is the relationship of Cystic Fibrosis and Depression? So I am asking all of you Cfers to help me out on this. Below I have a list of questions that I have for all of you. If you do not feel comfortable about replying to them on here please e-mail them to me at <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>. I appreciate every and all answers that I receive. Also I would like to add that no ones name will be used in my final report.

1. What is your age?

2. Are you a Male of Female?

3. Where do you live?

4. At what age were you diagnosed with CF?

5. How would you classify your CF, Severe, Moderate, or Fair or does not affect you in any way, and please explain.

6. Are you depressed or have you ever been depressed, if so what aged did this start?

7. If you said yes to the above question, do you feel that this relates to your CF, if so how?

8. If you said yes to question 6, but no to questions 7, please explain.

9. How severe have you been Depressed, Severe, Moderate, or Fair, and please explain?

10. Do you feel that there are sufficient resources for your Depression and CF?

11. Do you feel that your Depression has had a negative impact on your CF?

12. Do you feel that any of the medication that you are or have taken has caused or impacted your Depression in a negative way?

13. Do you feel that your Depression fluctuates as your health fluctuates?

14. Does any one else in you family suffer from Depression?

15. Has something else, besides CF, such as a traumatic event, or an environmental factor influences you your Depression, if so what and to what extent?

Please add further detail if you like, and like I mentioned before, you will remain anonymous in my final report. I thank all of you in advance, and I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.


New member
I've posted this in the Adult section, but I would love imput from all ages. So please take a few minutes and read over this and fill it out if you would like.

I need everyone help on this. I am taking a psychology class, and as a requirement of the class I have to do a research project. I am required to ask a question about a subject that is important to me and then with my research answer that question. My question is this: What is the relationship of Cystic Fibrosis and Depression? So I am asking all of you Cfers to help me out on this. Below I have a list of questions that I have for all of you. If you do not feel comfortable about replying to them on here please e-mail them to me at <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>. I appreciate every and all answers that I receive. Also I would like to add that no ones name will be used in my final report.

1. What is your age?

2. Are you a Male of Female?

3. Where do you live?

4. At what age were you diagnosed with CF?

5. How would you classify your CF, Severe, Moderate, or Fair or does not affect you in any way, and please explain.

6. Are you depressed or have you ever been depressed, if so what aged did this start?

7. If you said yes to the above question, do you feel that this relates to your CF, if so how?

8. If you said yes to question 6, but no to questions 7, please explain.

9. How severe have you been Depressed, Severe, Moderate, or Fair, and please explain?

10. Do you feel that there are sufficient resources for your Depression and CF?

11. Do you feel that your Depression has had a negative impact on your CF?

12. Do you feel that any of the medication that you are or have taken has caused or impacted your Depression in a negative way?

13. Do you feel that your Depression fluctuates as your health fluctuates?

14. Does any one else in you family suffer from Depression?

15. Has something else, besides CF, such as a traumatic event, or an environmental factor influences you your Depression, if so what and to what extent?

Please add further detail if you like, and like I mentioned before, you will remain anonymous in my final report. I thank all of you in advance, and I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.


New member
I've posted this in the Adult section, but I would love imput from all ages. So please take a few minutes and read over this and fill it out if you would like.

I need everyone help on this. I am taking a psychology class, and as a requirement of the class I have to do a research project. I am required to ask a question about a subject that is important to me and then with my research answer that question. My question is this: What is the relationship of Cystic Fibrosis and Depression? So I am asking all of you Cfers to help me out on this. Below I have a list of questions that I have for all of you. If you do not feel comfortable about replying to them on here please e-mail them to me at <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>. I appreciate every and all answers that I receive. Also I would like to add that no ones name will be used in my final report.

1. What is your age?

2. Are you a Male of Female?

3. Where do you live?

4. At what age were you diagnosed with CF?

5. How would you classify your CF, Severe, Moderate, or Fair or does not affect you in any way, and please explain.

6. Are you depressed or have you ever been depressed, if so what aged did this start?

7. If you said yes to the above question, do you feel that this relates to your CF, if so how?

8. If you said yes to question 6, but no to questions 7, please explain.

9. How severe have you been Depressed, Severe, Moderate, or Fair, and please explain?

10. Do you feel that there are sufficient resources for your Depression and CF?

11. Do you feel that your Depression has had a negative impact on your CF?

12. Do you feel that any of the medication that you are or have taken has caused or impacted your Depression in a negative way?

13. Do you feel that your Depression fluctuates as your health fluctuates?

14. Does any one else in you family suffer from Depression?

15. Has something else, besides CF, such as a traumatic event, or an environmental factor influences you your Depression, if so what and to what extent?

Please add further detail if you like, and like I mentioned before, you will remain anonymous in my final report. I thank all of you in advance, and I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.


New member
I've posted this in the Adult section, but I would love imput from all ages. So please take a few minutes and read over this and fill it out if you would like.

I need everyone help on this. I am taking a psychology class, and as a requirement of the class I have to do a research project. I am required to ask a question about a subject that is important to me and then with my research answer that question. My question is this: What is the relationship of Cystic Fibrosis and Depression? So I am asking all of you Cfers to help me out on this. Below I have a list of questions that I have for all of you. If you do not feel comfortable about replying to them on here please e-mail them to me at <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>. I appreciate every and all answers that I receive. Also I would like to add that no ones name will be used in my final report.

1. What is your age?

2. Are you a Male of Female?

3. Where do you live?

4. At what age were you diagnosed with CF?

5. How would you classify your CF, Severe, Moderate, or Fair or does not affect you in any way, and please explain.

6. Are you depressed or have you ever been depressed, if so what aged did this start?

7. If you said yes to the above question, do you feel that this relates to your CF, if so how?

8. If you said yes to question 6, but no to questions 7, please explain.

9. How severe have you been Depressed, Severe, Moderate, or Fair, and please explain?

10. Do you feel that there are sufficient resources for your Depression and CF?

11. Do you feel that your Depression has had a negative impact on your CF?

12. Do you feel that any of the medication that you are or have taken has caused or impacted your Depression in a negative way?

13. Do you feel that your Depression fluctuates as your health fluctuates?

14. Does any one else in you family suffer from Depression?

15. Has something else, besides CF, such as a traumatic event, or an environmental factor influences you your Depression, if so what and to what extent?

Please add further detail if you like, and like I mentioned before, you will remain anonymous in my final report. I thank all of you in advance, and I'll be looking forward to hearing from you.


New member
1. im 16
3. new jersey
4. when i was 3
5.i would think moderate, i rarly go to the lungs are a good 114% <-- which is excellent. its only my GI that is the main problem... gtube. wieght gain...enlarged spleen
6.yes i get depressed at least twice a week over cf... id say it started in 9th grade( two years ago)
7.yes it completely involves my cf. the only reason i get so depressed is because im so skinny! i really just wanna be normal. i feel guys wont like me cuz of my weight. and gtube.
9. id say its been moderate? i dont need medication.. but i used to think i really needed a therapist to talk to. bc im sick of holding in how i feel bc when i tell my friends how im depressed and im so skinny. they say "shutup no your not, theres no reason to be depressed" but they really dont understand.
10. hm resources.. what do u mean? like what causes it? idk..
11. yes its had a neg. effect on my cf. bc sometimes i just feel like giving up. i figure y shud i be forcing myself to keep eating if its not even going to friggin work. or like y shud i even try to look my best when i know i still look like a STICK.
13.yes. a few weeks ago i was questioned for a liver transplant. COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED! i got REALLY depressed for days. cried alot =/
14. nooo
15. well yeah in a way. my dad got into a real bad car accident two years ago. head on collision. lady who hit him died. and he was in ICU for a month and in the hospital for 3.. he is still crippled. not so good.

i hope that helped you =]


New member
1. im 16
3. new jersey
4. when i was 3
5.i would think moderate, i rarly go to the lungs are a good 114% <-- which is excellent. its only my GI that is the main problem... gtube. wieght gain...enlarged spleen
6.yes i get depressed at least twice a week over cf... id say it started in 9th grade( two years ago)
7.yes it completely involves my cf. the only reason i get so depressed is because im so skinny! i really just wanna be normal. i feel guys wont like me cuz of my weight. and gtube.
9. id say its been moderate? i dont need medication.. but i used to think i really needed a therapist to talk to. bc im sick of holding in how i feel bc when i tell my friends how im depressed and im so skinny. they say "shutup no your not, theres no reason to be depressed" but they really dont understand.
10. hm resources.. what do u mean? like what causes it? idk..
11. yes its had a neg. effect on my cf. bc sometimes i just feel like giving up. i figure y shud i be forcing myself to keep eating if its not even going to friggin work. or like y shud i even try to look my best when i know i still look like a STICK.
13.yes. a few weeks ago i was questioned for a liver transplant. COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED! i got REALLY depressed for days. cried alot =/
14. nooo
15. well yeah in a way. my dad got into a real bad car accident two years ago. head on collision. lady who hit him died. and he was in ICU for a month and in the hospital for 3.. he is still crippled. not so good.

i hope that helped you =]


New member
1. im 16
3. new jersey
4. when i was 3
5.i would think moderate, i rarly go to the lungs are a good 114% <-- which is excellent. its only my GI that is the main problem... gtube. wieght gain...enlarged spleen
6.yes i get depressed at least twice a week over cf... id say it started in 9th grade( two years ago)
7.yes it completely involves my cf. the only reason i get so depressed is because im so skinny! i really just wanna be normal. i feel guys wont like me cuz of my weight. and gtube.
9. id say its been moderate? i dont need medication.. but i used to think i really needed a therapist to talk to. bc im sick of holding in how i feel bc when i tell my friends how im depressed and im so skinny. they say "shutup no your not, theres no reason to be depressed" but they really dont understand.
10. hm resources.. what do u mean? like what causes it? idk..
11. yes its had a neg. effect on my cf. bc sometimes i just feel like giving up. i figure y shud i be forcing myself to keep eating if its not even going to friggin work. or like y shud i even try to look my best when i know i still look like a STICK.
13.yes. a few weeks ago i was questioned for a liver transplant. COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED! i got REALLY depressed for days. cried alot =/
14. nooo
15. well yeah in a way. my dad got into a real bad car accident two years ago. head on collision. lady who hit him died. and he was in ICU for a month and in the hospital for 3.. he is still crippled. not so good.

i hope that helped you =]


New member
1. im 16
3. new jersey
4. when i was 3
5.i would think moderate, i rarly go to the lungs are a good 114% <-- which is excellent. its only my GI that is the main problem... gtube. wieght gain...enlarged spleen
6.yes i get depressed at least twice a week over cf... id say it started in 9th grade( two years ago)
7.yes it completely involves my cf. the only reason i get so depressed is because im so skinny! i really just wanna be normal. i feel guys wont like me cuz of my weight. and gtube.
9. id say its been moderate? i dont need medication.. but i used to think i really needed a therapist to talk to. bc im sick of holding in how i feel bc when i tell my friends how im depressed and im so skinny. they say "shutup no your not, theres no reason to be depressed" but they really dont understand.
10. hm resources.. what do u mean? like what causes it? idk..
11. yes its had a neg. effect on my cf. bc sometimes i just feel like giving up. i figure y shud i be forcing myself to keep eating if its not even going to friggin work. or like y shud i even try to look my best when i know i still look like a STICK.
13.yes. a few weeks ago i was questioned for a liver transplant. COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED! i got REALLY depressed for days. cried alot =/
14. nooo
15. well yeah in a way. my dad got into a real bad car accident two years ago. head on collision. lady who hit him died. and he was in ICU for a month and in the hospital for 3.. he is still crippled. not so good.

i hope that helped you =]


New member
1. im 16
3. new jersey
4. when i was 3
5.i would think moderate, i rarly go to the lungs are a good 114% <-- which is excellent. its only my GI that is the main problem... gtube. wieght gain...enlarged spleen
6.yes i get depressed at least twice a week over cf... id say it started in 9th grade( two years ago)
7.yes it completely involves my cf. the only reason i get so depressed is because im so skinny! i really just wanna be normal. i feel guys wont like me cuz of my weight. and gtube.
9. id say its been moderate? i dont need medication.. but i used to think i really needed a therapist to talk to. bc im sick of holding in how i feel bc when i tell my friends how im depressed and im so skinny. they say "shutup no your not, theres no reason to be depressed" but they really dont understand.
10. hm resources.. what do u mean? like what causes it? idk..
11. yes its had a neg. effect on my cf. bc sometimes i just feel like giving up. i figure y shud i be forcing myself to keep eating if its not even going to friggin work. or like y shud i even try to look my best when i know i still look like a STICK.
13.yes. a few weeks ago i was questioned for a liver transplant. COMPLETELY UNEXPECTED! i got REALLY depressed for days. cried alot =/
14. nooo
15. well yeah in a way. my dad got into a real bad car accident two years ago. head on collision. lady who hit him died. and he was in ICU for a month and in the hospital for 3.. he is still crippled. not so good.

i hope that helped you =]


New member
Thank you to all those who have relpied.

All the info that I have gathered this far is extreamly helpful. However, I cannot do this with out the help of all of you. I want to get accurate numbers, which will be difficult to do with out your help. I don't want to beg... but Please Please Please help me out on this, even if you do not have depression. I need all the help I can get.

Thanks again to all of you who have replied.


New member
Thank you to all those who have relpied.

All the info that I have gathered this far is extreamly helpful. However, I cannot do this with out the help of all of you. I want to get accurate numbers, which will be difficult to do with out your help. I don't want to beg... but Please Please Please help me out on this, even if you do not have depression. I need all the help I can get.

Thanks again to all of you who have replied.


New member
Thank you to all those who have relpied.

All the info that I have gathered this far is extreamly helpful. However, I cannot do this with out the help of all of you. I want to get accurate numbers, which will be difficult to do with out your help. I don't want to beg... but Please Please Please help me out on this, even if you do not have depression. I need all the help I can get.

Thanks again to all of you who have replied.


New member
Thank you to all those who have relpied.

All the info that I have gathered this far is extreamly helpful. However, I cannot do this with out the help of all of you. I want to get accurate numbers, which will be difficult to do with out your help. I don't want to beg... but Please Please Please help me out on this, even if you do not have depression. I need all the help I can get.

Thanks again to all of you who have replied.


New member
Thank you to all those who have relpied.

All the info that I have gathered this far is extreamly helpful. However, I cannot do this with out the help of all of you. I want to get accurate numbers, which will be difficult to do with out your help. I don't want to beg... but Please Please Please help me out on this, even if you do not have depression. I need all the help I can get.

Thanks again to all of you who have replied.


New member
1. 17

2. female

3. Northfield, Oh

4. 5

5. Moderate, i have been hospilized 2 (which is good) my PFT numbers go up and down alot but my mother is a respitory thearpist so that helps.

6. i wouldnt call it depression i get sad but not depressed

7. yes a little and no

8. death of my father and other things

9. very fairr

10. i dont really need anything

11. no

12. no, except prednisone makes me a little crazy

13. no

14. no

15. yes, my father died when i was 7. mother had breast cancer


New member
1. 17

2. female

3. Northfield, Oh

4. 5

5. Moderate, i have been hospilized 2 (which is good) my PFT numbers go up and down alot but my mother is a respitory thearpist so that helps.

6. i wouldnt call it depression i get sad but not depressed

7. yes a little and no

8. death of my father and other things

9. very fairr

10. i dont really need anything

11. no

12. no, except prednisone makes me a little crazy

13. no

14. no

15. yes, my father died when i was 7. mother had breast cancer


New member
1. 17

2. female

3. Northfield, Oh

4. 5

5. Moderate, i have been hospilized 2 (which is good) my PFT numbers go up and down alot but my mother is a respitory thearpist so that helps.

6. i wouldnt call it depression i get sad but not depressed

7. yes a little and no

8. death of my father and other things

9. very fairr

10. i dont really need anything

11. no

12. no, except prednisone makes me a little crazy

13. no

14. no

15. yes, my father died when i was 7. mother had breast cancer


New member
1. 17

2. female

3. Northfield, Oh

4. 5

5. Moderate, i have been hospilized 2 (which is good) my PFT numbers go up and down alot but my mother is a respitory thearpist so that helps.

6. i wouldnt call it depression i get sad but not depressed

7. yes a little and no

8. death of my father and other things

9. very fairr

10. i dont really need anything

11. no

12. no, except prednisone makes me a little crazy

13. no

14. no

15. yes, my father died when i was 7. mother had breast cancer


New member
1. 17

2. female

3. Northfield, Oh

4. 5

5. Moderate, i have been hospilized 2 (which is good) my PFT numbers go up and down alot but my mother is a respitory thearpist so that helps.

6. i wouldnt call it depression i get sad but not depressed

7. yes a little and no

8. death of my father and other things

9. very fairr

10. i dont really need anything

11. no

12. no, except prednisone makes me a little crazy

13. no

14. no

15. yes, my father died when i was 7. mother had breast cancer