The reputation of this forum


New member
Over the last few weeks and months I have become increasingly disgruntled, annoyed and embarrassed at what seems to be rising number of complaints and negative comments that this forum receives by new members or anonymous posters. I am sure many of us have read them as the ill feeling has become more prevalent over time.

According to these comments, which I think are warranted, it seems that some of us are bashing people for asking silly questions or berating those who lack knowledge about a particular issue that we feel they should know more about. Well, I just cannot understand why we would do this! I am not a founder of this forum and I have not read or decided upon its 'aims and objectives', but it seems that the majority of us use this forum for positive reasons, and rightly so. It is a resource for people with (or somehow affected by) cystic fibrosis... so the content SHOULD be positive. We're not here to debate about prostitution, abortion or America's gun laws. We're all on the same page... so why can't we show our solidarity?

Firstly, there are those of us who use it for mutual support, as contact over the internet has become an increasingly useful medium for CFers (due in part by the cross-contamination problem pwcf have with inter-personal communication). I think it is wonderful that so many of us can feel like a family when some of us are going through problems (both CF and non-CF related).
Secondly, there are a large number of people who utilise this forum for educational purposes. There are the members that post regularly to learn and engage in debates and conversations about treatments, exchange info about experiences and things like that, and there are students who come on here to pose questions to us, the self-appointed experts (I don't include myself in this group btw!).
Thirdly, there are those of us who just come online to chat about whatever, get things off our chest and read what other people are thinking about the world and his dog.

So, whats the problem? Well, it seems that there are too many people on this forum who use it as a punching-bag for the crap that life throws them. They come on here and bitch at everyone for not knowing more, or for asking what they say are silly questions. I think it sucks that some of us need to resort to making others feel bad in order to help us feel better. It makes me angry and embarrassed that some of our newest members are afraid of becoming members (ie with their own login name), because they are concerned with the reactions they will get from asking questions and speaking openly. Can you believe it?! Is this what the forum has become? A sight where we are aggressive and verging on abusive to other people to the point where they fear us knowing their identity? To my mind it goes against the whole point of what this forum SHOULD be, a place where people affected by cf can trust and be trusted, be open and honest about themselves and their fears, and grow to become more courageous and inspired individuals. It should be a place where we encourage this openness and honesty, because we realise that this is the only way to survive in a world of loneliness. Is there a need to put people down?
I salute those of you (the majority) who encourage us all to be better people, to inspire and to be the supportive people we all need. But to those of you that decide to bring us all down to your level of childishness, immaturity, petulance and ignorance by being 'honest' under the veil of fruitfully discussing topics related to cf, then I suggest you question your place on this earth, the role you have in affecting other people's lives (especially on this particular forum) and the legacy you will undoubtedly leave when you are gone.

Rob 24 wcf


New member
Rob, the only time people seem to get frustrated by those that know nothing is when "those that know nothing" are people doing those reserach projects on CF and want all the answers-and immdiately. Everybody has to start somewhere in their journey to learn about CF, I remember reading books and asking questions of my husbands doctors, my mom (who is a nurse) and then just about 6 months ago finding this site. I did my research first and made sure that my questions were about personal stuff and that I had already tried to research it but didn't find any information. BUT, this is not a place for people to come and get an easy A. If they like, there is a lot of information they can gather by just reading a few of the posts on this site-but many don't take the time to do that. Therefore, It becomes our right to educate them on doing their research first, only then shoud they come back and ask questions. Other than that, I am not sure what you are talking about.

You are of course, entitled to your own opinion, but I have to disagree with you. I don't think we are rude to new members who come on this board asking questions. Even some students who come on for educational purposes are given many long and detailed responses. It is much different when somebody comes on this site and says, "the doctor thinks my baby might have CF, can someone explain to me your diagnosis and what I can expect?" than when somebody comes on and says "I am doing a research project about CF, can you tell me what CF is"? The first poster is asking for firsthand experiences because they might have to endure that situation. The second person just wants and easy A and doesn't really care (save for a few) but for themselves. I-as well as many others-am more than willing to answer specific questions that generally can't be found by doing simple research, but I refuse to answer general questionst aht can be answered by googling CF, and I feel I have a right to voice why I am refusing to answer their question. We have all seen what happens when NOBODY answers a person and they start spamming this board, writing inappropriate things and calling us names.

But to each his own I guess and this seems to really bother you,

Julie (wife to mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Rob what are you talking about? I guess I haven't been checking all the threads lately, just a few, but I haven't seen anything.


New member
I have to agree with Julie. The most annoyed answers come from the questions like "What is CF?" and "Can you tell me how CF affects your life?". When someone comes on and asks a question lookng for a more specific answer, I have seen everyone give genuine honest answers (differing opinions obviously sometimes) but honest, detailed answers without being rude.
As far as posting topics such as prostitution, abortion or America's gun laws....I have to admit that my entire family life does not revolve around CF. Not that prostitution is a daily conversation.....LOL....but we do discuss other things and although this may not be the place to do it, these topics sometimes do spill over onto these boards. I don't know if that can be avoided 24/7.


New member
I had read the last few weeks several people complain about being bashed for asking questions, and I guess it annoys me. I read one recently who wrote that because of this they always post anonymously. What a shame for someone to feel they have to hide their own identity in order to remain comfortable.
I haven't come on to this sight too much recently because after a while it was becoming irritating. The vast majority of people on here say positive things, but when I compare it to the CFTrust forum, which I also write messages on, we seem to be a lot more judgmental and rude. I just dont see the point. I have posted several messages on here relating to this same issue (and I suppose Im getting boring now!!). Oh well, sometimes you can't change people, just your own reaction to them.
Anyways, I am willing to eat my own hat on this point... so thank you for your replies.

Speak soon,

Rob 24 wcf


New member
I feel this forum is to cover all topics that affect a CF persons life. It doesnt have to actually involve CF. That is why there are the different catergories to put messages on. However; when people disagree which happens no matter who you are, the mutual respect should apply. One thing this forum is not for is to throw hurtful, intentionally cruel statements at people no matter what the topic. If one does not have the maturity or simple ability to follow this simple etiquette (sp?) then I dont feel they should be on here!


New member
For what its worth I totally know where your coming from Rob. I see it too. In fact I was talking with my husband about it a few weeks ago. I for one am glad people are asking questions regardless as to why, or how they ask. I think the more people that can be educated about cystic fibrosis the better, no matter what there reason is for learning at least their learning. If someone asks a questions that is very ambiguous then just ask, "could you be more specific" don't get mad about it, whats the point? If you are bothered by the questions just ignore the thread. If that individual decides to go to the "family" forum and post a similar question, so what? I mean how does that effect your life? I think some people are a little to possesive about this forum. I have seen people attacked for not asking questions the way regulars on here think they should be asked and I think that is ridiculous. JMO


New member
I can see both sides to this arguement. On one hand people are just looking for information so why should we be so curt. On the other hand, we all get tired of answering the same questions over and over.

It would helpful if we had "Sticky's" for FAQ and just include some basic CF information and reserve the forums for specific questions. It's hard for people with little knowledge about a subject to ask informed questions. Granted the information is out there if people look for it but maybe they figure an anonymous post is easier than doing any real research. Another argument against anonymous posting I guess.

If someone just want to chat about whatever then there is a specific forum for that, "Off Topic". People need to start using that more instead of posting in the other areas.


New member
You make a good point, maybe there should be a topic titled "what is Cf?" or something that would catch the attention of people who are just researching the disease. And people could expect that if they went to that forum they would be subjected to potentially "dumb questions" and they wouldn't be so shocked by them. And maybe that forum would attract people that don't mind answering questions, no matter how vague they seem. AND it would be a place to direct the people. Hense, instead of getting upset just type, See "what is cf forum" and leave it at that. That forum would probably begin to fill with lots of answers to most questions, kinda like a frequently asked questions forum.


New member
I also see both sides. I love being able to educate people on CF, and usually I will answer even the simplest questions if the person actually wants to know. Key words there being <i>"actually wants to know."</i>

Someone like a new parent of a CFer almost always gets greeted with a warm welcome, and answers to all their questions, because we know they have a sincere interest. I am <i>always</i> willing to educate people. Anytime anyone asks me a question, if it's for a real reason, I will give as much detail as they'll listen to.

The thing is, a lot of the time, it's kids coming in to have us write a paper for them. Yes, we're educating them on CF. But don't any of you remember high school? If you did a report on a subject that didn't interest you, how soon after it was handed in did you forget about it? Hours? Days? Max by the end of the week. The kids who are doing reports, and show no actual true interest other than getting an A are the ones that get more attitude from us. And why not? For people that don't actually care, we're not fish in an aquarium here. We're not here for people to come in and read and go "Ooooh look at the poor diseased people. Maybe they'll write my paper for me. And then I'll never talk to them again, or thank them for their efforts."

I think a very good solution to this would be a "What is CF" or something similar folder. Then people looking for info would hopefully see that and try there first. Those of us who want to answer those questions can go and read and respond. Those of us who don't want to read those questions can simply stay out of that section. But that's up to the admin, and I mentioned the idea a while back and never got a response. Maybe they didn't get to it, I have no idea. But if they're reading this now, that would be an excellent idea!


New member
I know many of you get upset about helping people with their research projects and feel that once they get their A that the topic is forgotten about. This may be true - but, what if their paper touched the life of just one person who could truly make a difference? The professor? The parent who read over the paper? A classmate? Anyone?
Or just maybe someday that person who wrote the paper came across someone that was talking about their signs & symptoms then everything clicked, they remembered the paper they wrote and were able to help them?


New member
That'd be nice. But I don't live on what ifs. There's way too much to consider with what ifs. Essentially, you could get to a point where you'd have to look at every single fact or aspect or idea or thought in the world, and that's a tad bit impossible.

Either way, a specific folder for this topic would be a wonderful solution. I think it'd be something everyone could be happy with, those of us who don't mind research paper students and those of us who do.


New member
I agree with you annonymous poster at 7:17pm, we never know whose lives we touch now or in the future. I also agree with Rob, I come to this forum almost everyday and often read about what others with CF are going through and how they are doing. There are several times when i do not reply or reply annonymously because of others bashing each other. I have even had my best friend visit this forum because she knows how much i want to learn about CF and she loves my daughter very much, she thinks that there are alot of rude people here and has chosen not to visit anymore. Anyway, i feel that it is not for us to wonder why people ask certain questions, we should want to educate others about CF regardless of the reasons ( school report ) or any other reason, we should also want to be nice to others and want them to visit this forum, I can recall a thread where a man was asking questions about CF because his wife was pregnant and they were considering abortion, boy did he get many rude and negative responses when he actually needed positive advice during this very difficult time in his life, i have often wondered about him and his wife and child but i do not think that he has been back. What a shame!!!!!


New member
I agree with a few of the previous posts on here, in that there should be a pathway in which a person doing a report on CF could go to a section entitled 'what is cf?'. However, isnt this just what they have in the CFFoundation, CFTrust and just about every other CF related website out there. This is a forum, and this is a place where we engage in active and open conversation. It is not a simple website for information. It is not a place where we post FAQs and answers to these simple questions. Either we do not allow anonymous posting (which I think is a shame because some people have a right to withold their identity should they feel pressured), or we just simply redirect people away from this sight. Most of us like to feel as though we can help someone with giving a bit of personal experience and this is exactly what we should be telling these students. If you want info, go to the CFF or CFT website.... if you want my experiences and feelings, i can help you. Simple as...

Rob 24 wcf


New member
There have been many people who come to this site with specific questions and I am happy to answer, share real life situations and stories and they seem genuinely interested and grateful for us taking the time to answer their quesitons-that kind of stuff makes me feel good. It makes me feel good about this site, about myself and about CF in the fact that we are educating people.

And then there are those that spam this board, call us names when nobody answers their rediculious questions... It seems as though NOBODY here remembers that. I saw people like myself, Emily and a few others asking them "what specific questions do you have" and then they never asked their questiosn. BUt they did post some pretty rude things when nobody opened up and spilled their guts (about nothing specific). They didn't even ask specific questions, jsut said "I want to know about CF". I am sorry, you can "know about CF" by typing Cystic Fibrosis into MSN, google, here's an idea -GO TO THE LIBRARY, or is that an old, forgotton thing now?

If you want some specifics like, "I see that CF is genetic, do any of you have others in your family with CF?" or "do all people with Cf have the same problems such as digestive, lungs, reproductive, or do some people have 1 or 2 of those issues, others have all three and some only have 1?" "Are there many different CF mutations, and do they specifically affect different things?" "what is the best way to get a CF diagnosis, blood, that sweat test or what?" "how do they administer a sweat test for a diagnosis?" "I wanted to get an average of what different ages people were diagnosed at, can I get some input?"... Those are questions you can't really, or readily find when doing research, and I am happy to provide information. If it seems as though they've done just a bit of research, I am happy to oblige.

But I took somebodys advice once and ignored one of those posters who was rather rude and just wanted simple basic questions andwered, and what did they do? they spammed the boards. I am just curious if any of you reported that to the moderators or said anything to the poster to let them know they were out of line? Because I didn't see too many people doing it. I feel like this is a family environment here, and I have been offended by people in the past, and Know that I have offended people as well-nobody is perfect. But I will NOT TOLERATE somebody coming on this board, being rude, spamming the board and then getting mad, rude and inappropriate-that I will not put up with.

I feel bad that people feel animocity on this board, you are right Rob, that is not the purpose of us being here and I really don't want people to feel that way-especially those who are brand new and don't realize that sometimes those "rude" posts are necessary-yes necessary, to show someone that we won't put up with them disrespecting this site. I will certainly watch myself because I know I am one who has been rude, and I don't mean to be so I will have to watch that. But in the same sense, disagreements, light arguments, discussions, and such are a part of life and is what helps make the world go round.

Julie (wife to Mark 24 w/CF)


New member
Julie I remember that specific poster. I was happy to answer questions and when I asked what do you want to know she never replied back and then started spamming the boards asking the same question over and over. It was rather rude and I did report her to the Mod's. I am happy to help anyone who has questions but when someone comes here and makes numerous threads about the same thing and never replies back then that irritates me.


New member
Ugh, you know what? I think some of you are just searching for problems for the hell of it; only seeing the negative crap and turing a blind eye to the positive. Not even a majority of these threads have arguments but some of you talk like its universal all over the board. And i'll say it once more, nobody gets slammed here because they asked a stupid question; they get slammed for the way they act toward us; uncaring, disrespectful, and generally only here because they have a report due in two days. When some idiot come on here and asks "What is CF," by slamming them, we are in fact answering them by showing them that we are people, not CF. Perhaps they should write that in their damn report; "I learned CF is a disease that affects actual people, who, just like normal people, get upset when they're treated disresectfully by idiots such as myself." To tell the truth, between the two, I'd rather have the world learn that little factiod rather than the mechanics of CF.

And, pointing at Rob personallty, if this forum distresses you so much because we're all so rude, then why do you keep coming back? I don't know about you, but whenever I go outside, I usually don't see everyone standing around holding hands and asking for a group hug. I do see people having a good time, supporting each other, etc, but I also see arguments and even fights. Why the hell should the forum be any different? Maybe its just too real for you to handle. Either way, i'm sick of hearing about it, so put up or shut up.

*growls at anyone who tries to rebuke me* I'm not in the mood for this crap. Maybe if some of you would stop complaining about the few arguments on here you might actually see that there are other threads here too. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-disgusted.gif" border="0">


heh, I have to agree with Mockingbird on this one. I'd add my $.02 but he seems to have it covered.