The Simple Life


New member
You know when you're young, maybe even more so now, there are things that give us a warm, happy, feeling, the simple things like the smell of a Sunday Roast from you're mum's kitchen or the feeling of being snug under your covers on a rainy day when the rain is bouncing outside, the feeling that make us feel happy, safe, comforted, loved. Wouldn't it be nice to share the things that make us feel so happy, safe, comforted and loved?
For me they would be lilies, there are practically my mum's natural scent, she just always smells of them it's like her natural scent niw cos she loes them so much and now it just smells like home.
And my dad's hands i know once i am in his hands no one or nothing can harm me and everything will be alright,
The name "kevin", reminds me of my brother not because it's his name but because when we played games when we were younger, he always wanted his name to be "kevin", because it was his favourite name and it reminds me of all the memories we have made, times we've shared, priceless memories, that will always be in my heart. what a cutie!!
my teddy "yorkie" that i've had now for 13 years, i guess he makes me feel loved and reminds me of home where everybody loves me for just being me.
These are just a few for me, i'd love to hear other people's?? xxxx


New member
the things that make me happy are so simple....i get up at 3 am sunday thru thursday, and my kitty cat named kitty whom sleeps with me always cuddles up to me when my alarm goes off. it is so cute! it's like she is human i swear!!! she constantly follows me around the house. I swear she is part dog..... getting my morning coffee is so refreshing....the sunshine shining on my face and hair always warms my tummy.... a big bowl of rockyroad icecream, or any icecream for that matter makes me happy! an ice cold beer, or a nice glasss of wine is always nice to wind down the evening with! a bike ride going up strenuous hills where i think my lungs are gonna pop out of my chest is sooooo rewarding, especially when people drive past u and tell me' " u are awesome" is what keeps me going... lets see.....a nice juicy steak is always nice. my special guy friend who is so sweet and treaTS ME SO GOOD IS ALWAYS family is few, and very messed up and dysfunctunial, but i look within my self and that is where i find true happiness.<img src="i/expressions/beer.gif" border="0">


After reading this topic, I had to give some reflection on my reply, it wasn't easy to recall what things in life were so simple, I guess it's been a while for me...

Maybe going chronologically from now to the past would be easy for me.

Cuddling with my (now) wife in front of the TV, watching an interesting movie together...Drinking MY morning coffee on a Saturday...An Exhilarating Aikido and/or Iaido practice...Driving on a cool, clear August night on the road with the wind blowing in my hair, and listening to my favorite music...coming back from seeing my doctor for a checkup on a rainy school day, knowing I got the rest of the day off of school (and mom takes me to Burger King, or something for lunch!!)...During my hockey years; snuggling in my warm bed, after an exciting Ice Hockey game, and we happened to win that night!!

Outside my sister (and hopefully, me) my family is pretty much dysfunctional, as some are, but nothing compares to the MnL!! (Major Stress Zone!)


New member
Hmmmmm-The smell of burning leaves reminds me of a crisp fall day. (Of course we can't burn in the streets anymore) When we played outside from morning to night with no worries of predators.

The sound of crunchy snow under your boots also reminds me of childhood, walking to school in the cold air, but not even noticing that it was frickin cold!

The smell of pot roast cooking is just simply comforting to anyone!

Hearing a baby or young child laugh hard...just always makes me laugh

Hearing the songs to shows like M*A*S*H, Cheers and the Tonight Show with Johnny Carson remind me of humid summer nights, laying on the living room floor in front of the TV with the lights dimmed and the window air conditioner running non-stop.

Most of those comforts are from childhood memories, before the stress of adulthood! Oh to go back!<img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
The simple things.....sitting on my front porch with my daughter, husband & neighbor shooting the breeze as the sun goes down on a perfect summer day. Teaching my daughter to blow a bubble with bubble gum for the first time. Watching our dog persistantly try to win the cat over & be her friend. Looking at pictures from years past, crying/laughing all at the same time when looking......the smell of fresh perked coffee in the morning.