Yesterday was a very busy day for us, in a good way. I had to help out in sammy's class so Maggie had to go to a friends's house after nursery school for me to do that. This friend was also going to take Maggie and her son(Maggie's same age) to a gymnastics class. So, I'm running like a chicken with my head cut off trying to get Maggie to eat lunch , drink her milk, so we can hurry up and do her neb and Vest before I drop her off at the friend's house so I can run to sammy's school to help out. I am crazed trying to get everything done and i say to Maggie i think we're going to be late cause we still need to do your puff puff(neb) and VEST before we go to your friend's house. maggie was so happy to be busy and to go to the gymnastics class she said"mom, I can do my puff, puff and VEST at the same time" I look at her and say maggie that's a GREAT idea. So she's puffing away and vesting away while I pack up her enzymes and snacks and we were right on time for everything!
I'm tired just thinking about all this.
I'm tired just thinking about all this.