The Vest


New member
I know I have asked this question before, but it was my daughter's check-up at hospital yesterday and I asked her Consultant about the vest and he didn't seem too impressed, just said that they were expensive, etc, etc, blah, blah,blah. Do you think he has a downer on it just cos of the money or what?

Grateful for any of your comments.


Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-tongue.gif" border="0">


New member
My granddaughter is 3yrs, and on her last check-up Dr. said her lungs looked like a 8yr with cf, Ordered vest right away. My daughter is on Title 19 and so vest was paid for. It cost about 14,000-16,000. She handles it like a game.


New member
More questions! What is Title 19 and do you also do manual physio?

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


New member
Just as I thought, sounds like it's all down 2 money I suppose. I told him that I had read on here that lots of people use it, but he just wasn't having it at all! What do you reckon I do to get one?

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-mad.gif" border="0">


New member
print out these studies for your doctor to view.

there are many studies comparing other methods of CPT vs. the Vest.

It's a miracle device in my opinion! I was without it while in Geneva for 3 months and I noticed a huge difference.

Doctors are probably encouraged by governments to discourage patients to get the Vest because if patients get wind of how great it is, patients will lobby for the government to cover the cost. That's my conspiracy theory!


approach another doctor or bug the heck out of this one. it's ridiculous that he would not accommodate your very reasonable, educated & pertinent request. i use the vest & i highly recommend it. it not only helps clear the lungs, but the vibration goes all the way to the head as well, clearing the sinuses.


New member
Our clinic is the same way -- always concerned about prescribing things, tests, treatments, the vest because of $$$. Just got the statement of benefits from our CF clinic a couple months ago -- $790 charges from the hospital -- just for the priviledge of sitting in an exam room for several hours, $195 for each of three doctors, who we saw for no more than 5 minutes, $150 for radiologist review and Xray films -- have yet to get the charges for the dietician or labs. Add to that the stress of worrying about cross contamination in the waiting room and concerns we have with cleanliness of the facilty and worry that they're not disinfecting/cleaning equipment after each use -- pulseox, stethescopes...

Not sure what other people pay, but think we pretty much decided to stop going to the cf clinic in town and are going to look into going to an accreditted facility. There are two in our region -- one's 3 hours away the other is 4.


New member
I had the vest for a while. I hated it. I have a port, and it made life miserable for me. They gave me one of those sponges with the hole cut out that was supposed to make it better. It didn't. Plus, even without that issue, it didn't do a thing for me. I dunno if its because of my breast size or what, but all the thing ever did was shake me around with no result. Notice I say shake, not vibrate. It wasn't penetrating to my lungs at all.

I use the acapella now, and I love it. Not only does it work to get way down in the bases of the lung, but it also has a resistance setting, so the higher it is, the harder you have to work. Which serves to strengthen your lungs. I'm all the way up on the highest setting with mine. I highly recommend it over the vest for daily use.

But, in truth, there's nothing that beats good old manual CPT. Sometimes I resort to that if I'm really sick.


New member

As Lilith said, some don't like the vest, for one reason or another. I know emily doesn't like it either.

My husband on the other hand, LOVES his vest. Not only does he feel that it clears him out better, but he can do it on his own. Quite honestly it was a pain for both of us to get up 1 hour early to do it in the AM. Not so much for him as he stayed home and did school work, but for me because I was working 12hr shifts at a hospital for a while. And then to make time to do another hour in the evening, it wasn't easy, not at all.

With the vest, he does 20 minutes in the AM and 20 minutes in the PM. Plus he does his pulmozyme at the same time, so he's reduced his treatment time.

When he isn't feeling well, he can bump it up to 3 treatments a day.

I think it's good for the research reasons that amy mentioned, plus to be honest, the convenience of it.

I don't quite understand why your doc. would have a problem with it. It's not like they have to shell out the money for it. I do recall it took a bit of paperwork on the part of Mark's doctor.... maybe that's what the problem is. Either way, I think a doctor should at least let a patient try it out.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>amy</b></i>

Doctors are probably encouraged by governments to discourage patients to get the Vest because if patients get wind of how great it is, patients will lobby for the government to cover the cost. That's my conspiracy theory!</end quote></div>

Stupid question but Medicare doesn't cover the Vest?

Also has anyone heard if the class action law suit against HillRom has happened yet? I wonder if that will force them to reduce the price of the Vest...


i have a question about it too?!!! But just a lil different! I have a vest... I love it it seems to work the best. BUt my machine is like 40 lbs.. way big! so i was wondering do u think that i could get the smaller version by trading it in or what???? I have tricare and have wanted to ask my doc but i just keep forgeting!!! thanx!
Cariann 21 w/cf cfrd mrsa


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>Lynda</b></i>

<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>amy</b></i>

Doctors are probably encouraged by governments to discourage patients to get the Vest because if patients get wind of how great it is, patients will lobby for the government to cover the cost. That's my conspiracy theory!</end quote></div>

Stupid question but Medicare doesn't cover the Vest?

</end quote></div>

I was referring to governments in Europe, Canada and Australia where they can't get the Vest. Not sure of Medicare status....


New member
I have been told that Australia is now going to be able to get the Vest but with a price tag of about 24'000.00! Hmmmmm buy a car or buy the Vest???? I personally think medical equipment makers are experts in extortion. In saying that I will be seriously considering purchasing one. Medicare won't cover the cost as that's out of the governments pocket but hopefully private health funds might. Will have to wait and see.


New member
Medicaid and medicare in the states does cover it Lynda. For some it seems to be simple, for others it's difficult to get it. Why???? who knows.

Cariann, did you get the vest through Tricare? If not, how long have you had it? You might get lucky enough that you got it before the HIPPA law went into effect, I believe it was April 2002, or was it 2003??? Well, after HIPPA went into effect, ins. companies started sharing ALL previous ins. coverage information. Ifthey see you have that one, they may ask why you need/want a new one. But it's worth discussing with your doc.


New member
For those on the fence: To me the vest absolutely kicks total a*s. While some don't like it, I feel it's ability to clear the lungs compared to standard chest physio is night and day. I could be totally clear and do the vest, and feel even better than I did before. Can't say that about old physio. I have been able to totally avoid going into the hospital by aggressive use of the vest. The vest is just amazing. Granted I rarely use it due to my level of health, but when i was kind of sick, it was all that and a butt rub.


I didnt get it through tricare... i got it through i believe it was teamsters... my stepdad worked for UPS and got it through his insurance... I got it awhile back... at least 7 years ago!!! it was a long time ago, not to sure how ong ago it was... it says on the machine ABI Vest.... By american biosystems Inc. i dunno about anything else! ....?????!!!


New member
I would just like to say that we ahve just managed to buy one off ebay and get it shipped all the way to New Zealand and it has been a god send for our daughter - she is only 15 months and it is the first that we know of in New Zealand. <span class="FTHighlightFont">If any of you have vests that you dont use - how about listing them on ebay and letting someone else have the benefit of the machine.</span ft> In new Zealand there is no insurance available to CF patients so it was completely self funded. The local physio had never seen one before and was very impressed with how they work.


New member

I believe ABI is now merged with Hillrom. I could be mistaken but I'll ask Melissa (jazzysmom) because I know we've had this talk before, I jsut can't recall the final outcome.

With a vest that old, you might not have too many problems getting a new one. does your doc know you have a vest?? Just curious, I'm sure he/she probably does. But if I were you, I would ask.


New member
thanx julie!!! I guess i will call and ask her! It never hurts to ask right! Can i ask you a question? I was just wondering if you guys got his vest from tricare? alright thanks again! hey and by the way i would love to know what you are having.... talk to you later...
Cariann 21 w/cf cfrd mrsa