The year of night


New member
I haven't seen the sun for a year now. At 5:58 am, May the 5th, 2005, my world was rocked forever. I thought I saw the the sun rise that day, but I was mistaken. You know how a star explodes when it dies? That's what I was seeing, was your dying light, the light of a fading star. And then, I plunged into the darkness of the widow's night.

This year has been one I wish never to return to. Of firsts, which led me to remember the lasts. Enough tears for me to start my own organic saline company. I lost myself somewhere along the way, when I look in the mirror, I see someone totally different. A whisper of smoke, from the flame of our love.

I sit in your old clothes tonight, wondering how I have survived a year without your laughter rinign in the echoes of the home we shared. I didn't realize you were what made our little home a castle, until you slipped away from me. A year without your soft kisses at night, and your big smile in the morning. A year without your scent. Oh, your scent. I remember how I didn't change the sheets for 5 months, because I thought they still smelled like you. I remember how I wept when I smelled your pillow and realized your scent had faded.

The things that have left me....the quiet moments we spent together, kissing and cuddling, my private love of giving you CPT, because it was time we spent together. I know we were soulmates, and the hole in my heart is in the shape of yours, and no one else's will fit. Ry, my love for you will last forever, and those who don't believe me, don't know me. I know now, how all those great women felt when they declared " I will never love again"

This year of night has been interminable. Will I live through seeing that clock turn to 5:58? There are no plans, only dreams, with CF....and you are in mine. I lvoe you, Ry.

If you haven't seen it, here's <a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="">Ry's video</a>

<b>Edited to add:</b> People have asked how they can help. Here you go. Live for Ry today. Kiss someone you love, make a joke, watch a Quentin Tarantino movie, eat a pizza by yourself, cook a meal, pound back a mountain dew, sing a song, play with your kid, ride your bike, smile. Do all the things he loved, and carry him with you today. That's how you can help.


New member
I don't have anything good to say, just wanted to say... I read this. And Tarantino, huh? Mike loves him. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I'll talk to you later, I'm sure, m'dear Allie. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Just watched the video, had a quiet cry for your loss....and now am off to have a day full of living and doing, as hopefully Ry would approve of <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
Allie dear,
Just thought I'd say... I watched the clock on my way to school and paid attention, thought quietly of you when it turned to 7:58 (5:58 your time of course).

I hope you're okay. Okay being very relative here, meaning basically alive, breathing, all that. Can't expect much more. Remember you have many ways of getting a hold of me.
*always with love*
-Emily (Emily65Roses, at school, not signed in)


New member
Same here hon-
Your post seemed quietly strong-I don't know if that makes sense, but I can't explain it. I'm thinking of you always-today especially you are in my prayers.

This helps me me keep things in perspective-the old 'make every minute count' thing-and we hear it all the time, but what does it really mean?

It means what you just said-kiss your kids, your spouse, watch a funny stupid movie, eat junk food, all the quiet little everday things we all live each day-that slip by un noticed. But we have to stop and notice all these things to really live.

Look at how many people you and Ry have helped Allie-look at the mini "realization" you helped me see just this morning-thank you. <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">

Lots of Love


New member
Oh I can never get the movies to play. You, your beautiful daughter(saw her picture in another post), and Ry are in my thoughts and prayers today and always! He was so lucky to have such a great family!! Sometimes my life gets so busy that you make me stop and realize to just say the heck with it and spend the time with my kids and hubby!! Tonight I told them - "Let's go play ball - practice pitching and batting!!" Everything else will still be there tomorrow!! My son is a sports and outside nut!!

Mother of 9 yr old boy w cf (has that wonderful curly hair too!)
daughter 12 no cf (who adores her brother!)


New member
Again, you are in my prayers and thoughts today. I can't even BEGIN to imagine what you are feeling.

I plan on doing everything on the list today. I drank a Mountain Dew last night (which is NOT like me, but that's all there was <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> I have a Quentin movie that was due yesterday, but we haven't watched it yet, so, I'll watch it today.

The video was beautiful!


New member
To honor Ry my family & I will eat pizza (one for myself), drink mountain dew while singing a song & doing it with a smile! My love, thoughts, prayers & support are always with you!

I Put a poem on the remembering section in memory of RY! Give a read please!


New member
I woke up this morning at 6:58am, and knew that it was 5:58am for you. I had a bit of a cry for you, for me, for Ry, for all CFers who are going through a tough time. Know that all of you are in my thoughts, especially you Allie on this day.

((((((Hugs n' Kisses)))))


New member
Just reading what you wrote brought tears to my eyes, i can only imagine what the video will do ( i am waiting for it to open fully as i type this) I can't say anything Allie but ....i am sorry it turned out this way so soon for you and Ry. I'll pray for you today ~ <img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Your post inspired me to eat lunch with my daughter at school. We had pizza and mountain dew. We played and joked and kissed a lot. I'm sorry about your loss and will keep you in my thoughts today.


New member
I woke up thinking about you guys and am now planning my trip to Disneyland. I'm going to go soon as a room is available in the hotel <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> <br> *hug* hang onto your thread <img src="i/expressions/heart.gif" border="0">


New member
Thinking of you today. Praying for strength for you to continue to endure as you have this past year. Understanding, of course that it hasn't been easy (to say the least).

If you can, please check in with us tonight & let us know how you're doing.


New member
I am so sorry. There are no words to comfort you for your loss. I can feel the strong love you and Ry had I do not even know you! Your love will transcend Heaven and Earth! That video is wonderful and the song is very moving!

Hang in there!

Jennifer 34 years old with CF and CFRD