Thesis project


New member
I am a graduate student w/CF. I am doing my masters thesis on the affect of having a child with CF on family planning decisions. I am looking for another 2-3 participants in my study (I have posted on here before and received a few replies.) The study would involve a 30-45 min. interview over the telephone. Before having the interview, you would have to sign a consent form, and return it to me in a self-addressed, stamped envelope I will provide. If you would be willing to partake in my project, please e mail me or leave a message on this board. My e mail is Thank you very much!


New member
I am an adult with CF - and I can answer any questions you need about how my family planned when I was a child or how I plan with my family now if you're interested. Private message me at "wanderlost" if you think I would fit with your thesis.
wanderlost 28 w/CF


New member
My daughter Alayna was born with CF on 6/15/05. If I can help in anyway please email me at


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I'd be happy to help, too. E-mail me at Our daughter with cf will be one month old on Wednesday. By the way, I think genetic counseling is a fascinating field! Good for you!


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I would be happy to help. I'm an FNP with a noneffected 8 year old. My 5 year old was diagnosed with CF at 6 months. My email is


New member
I would be happy to help. I'm an FNP with a noneffected 8 year old. My 5 year old was diagnosed with CF at 6 months. My email is