This is nice


New member
I read the replies and this forum thing is wonderfull. Of course everyone is not the same and not everyone will benifit from the change in those specific drugs like Damien has but when there is a change for the better i wonder if anyone else could 2. and when i hear a reply that has coinsided with our delimas and will maybe make another mother and child have less to persevere then i am gratefull for all thats mercifull. And i wasnt loged in but Xopanax vs Albuteral was from us 2


New member
I have learned a lot about CF, meds, alternatives etc since coming to this site & I thought I knew everything about CF after 30 years of knowing I have it. Turns out I knew squat.....LOL compared to what there is to know. This is a great resource because chances are someone has dealt with it, heard of it or something even if you dont get an immediate response.


New member
I agree that this is a great thing! After reading that someone was really gassy on Creon 5, I was at least able to ask our CF docs if maybe a change is in order for Emily. I'm not about to go suggesting that they make the change based on something that I read here, but at least I know what to ask, and I feel like I'm keeping them on their toes. Also, several times the docs have mentioned something that I read about here first. When you're dealing with so much new information and are usually under a fair amout of stress, it's good to have at least some background knowledge. (I'm also sometimes intimidated by the doctors and I don't always ask the questions I should ask right away.) So - Thank you to whomever started this site and to those that keep it running. It's a godsend!