timing of enzymes


New member
I'm just curious how long various enzymes are "good" from the time they are given. We've been told that we have about 45 minutes to finish a feeding after we give emily her "beads and applesauce." Is 45 minutes standard? We use Pancrecarb MS-4's.


mom to Isabelle 3 yr. no cf
and Emily 4 1/2 months w/cf


New member
I have always been told 30 mins....BUT in saying that I have noticed if feeding takes a little longer and enzymes aren't given, there has been no adverse effects. So maybe 45 mins is more correct. I haven't been told there is a time difference between brands.


New member
When DS was born we were told 20 minutes to half hour to finish the feeding, but that was because we were in the NICU and DS was to be fed every 3-4 hours and if we spent an hour plus trying to feed him, then he wouldn't eat as well for the next feeding and so on and so on. Now I figure about 45 minutes to an hour. Most toddlers are so limited in terms of attention spans that you've gotta shovel the food in during the first 10-20 minutes or they get bored, start to get full and don't get enough to eat. Liza