tingly feeling


New member
do any of u guys ever just get random tingly feelings anywhere in your body? i know you can get it when a part of ur body goes "asleep" but i have been getting it in my arms the last couple of weeks and been getting it all the time. just when doing something random like walking down the street..?


New member
Might be a circulation issue beyond something normal, if it happens a lot, i'd get it looked into.



New member
I get the tingling in my legs shortly before I start feeling the pain of my pshicatic (sp?) nerve bothering me. Basically for me when it happens I need a trip to the chiropractor becaue things are out of line. It doesnt have to be after any major happening. It can just be over time from the coughing etc. Hope its simple like that, but it could be O2 also I guess tho I woulld think that would be more color then sensation!


New member
Are you diabetic? I ask because I have CFRD and I get tingling in my arms most every time I have low blood sugar. It isn't so much painful it is more like a numbing type tingle, and it kind of just give you a strange sensation.
The only other place I have gotten tingling on my body .. that isn't a body part that has fallen asleep .. is my feet and I got that alot when I was having problems with my gallbladder - it was an itchy kind of tingling.

Hope that you figure out what it is if it keeps bothering you.



New member
If you take niacin by itself you can feel tingling and a flushing. Not a good feeling that is why I take a B complex.
Ask your doctor and maybe they can come up with something. Could it be you slept the wrong way?


New member
i dont even know anything abouit my oxygen levels? i never have them done?it just happenes every now and again, not just a specific time it just randomly happens. and i am not diabetic ethier.. so i have no clue. i generally feel fine, so i am not going to bother going to the hospital just now, i have not been in months. never felt the need to go causei am feeling fine, but i supose it would be best if i did go in to check up on everything.


New member
The tingly feeling could be nothing or it could be a warning sign. If you have developed diabetes and it is not treated, you could lose a lot of weight and jeopardise your good health. I say listen to your body.
Just my two cents worth.


New member
i would agree with Joanne - CFers should get tested for diabetes once a year. Also, ask you doc to measure your o2 Saturation.

our bodies are INCREDIBLE at telling us when something is wrong - as long as we'll take the time to listen.


New member
dosent have to be related to Cf. I have tingling in my left arm, started at my small finger and gradually worked its way up my arm to my neck. F unny thing was i convinced myself I was having a heart attack and ended up going to hospital in an ambulance.

Turned out that i have ulna nerve damage, its fantastic what the mind can convince you of. Get it checked out, could be simple.