Tips for infant treatments


New member
Ok, yet another question from the new CF mom! Does anyone have any tips or tricks for giving an infant a nebulizer treatment? Holy crap that's hard!


New member
Hi. My daughter is almost 4 months old and we bounce on an exercise ball (for lung clearance) each time we use the nebulizer. She loves it and keeps her head still for the treatment! Good luck.


Super Moderator
I would actually do sometimes during nap times/bed time b/c ds hated it so much. Other times just plugged on through while crying, or stopped to comfort and continued. It DOES get easier. They DO get use to it. In a sense, I think it is easier that this is "normal" for those diagnosed at birth--I can't imagine trying to start this with a toddler. I actually also used kid videos even though probably not "ideal"--the music and videos were a distraction. Anything more specific that you are thinking of re questions??


When my daughter was really young, we did airway clearance while holding her and walking around the house and we saved nebs for after she had ffallen asleep.
Do what you gotta do, they age quickly and it does get easier.


New member
There are neb attachments that are pacifiers, look at this site:
They are WONDERFUL, I used to work at a daycare. They suck on it, and have to breathe through their nose, which is where the mist is aimed at. Other than that, PARI makes masks that can be used while the baby is laying down or asleep, which might be easiest. Good luck. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
At first, we used his bouncer to sit him in, but that was really painful on our backs So, we decided to try his baby swing and rock him in it while using the nebulizer. It works great, and now he just turned one yesterday and most days he holds the mask on by himself!


New member
We try to do it while my 7 month old is sleeping and she stays asleep for the entire treatment. We can even do a few of the CPT spots during the neb time to save some time. Good luck!


New member
Us too rocked her to sleep (on a rectangular long pillow "facing down" and on the lap) and then did her inhalations. Things positively changed when at 9 months we got a vest. It wasn't an actual vest but an infant wrap around since the chest is so little. We would initially put it on the lowest setting (her recommended one was 14 at 2 for 20min twice a day) which I believe is 5 and just waited till she falls asleep from all these light monotonous clapping. It worked like a charm with her and at some point she even kept sleeping not only through the inhalations (pulmozyme and hts) but even through the actual full prescribed strength percussions.

To do this we also purchased a Paris infant mask that turns in any direction.

Now she is 14 months and just couple days ago started waking up during hts inhalations so with her fully awake we can only do it while constantly rotating adult music videos... So much for not exposing the brain to tv until she is at least 2<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Good luck and know that even though the time consumption factor remains, the treatments themselves will become much much easier!