Since yesterday, my computer has been doing weird things.
Today I logged in and later LOGGED OFF.
A while after logging off, I had a pop up with regards to "meeting singles" - you know, the adult type website. When I looked at the address line, it had your address within it!!!
Ut oh! Now I have a virus, because my computer is still doing weird things.
Edit to say: I meant: I logged in and logged off <b>this site</b>
and it was after I was logged <b>off</b> this site, that I had the pop ups with this site's address. Even as I'm typing, it stops as if my computer is trying to "do/process" something else!
Julie - I'm glad I'm not the only one!
Today I logged in and later LOGGED OFF.
A while after logging off, I had a pop up with regards to "meeting singles" - you know, the adult type website. When I looked at the address line, it had your address within it!!!
Ut oh! Now I have a virus, because my computer is still doing weird things.
Edit to say: I meant: I logged in and logged off <b>this site</b>
and it was after I was logged <b>off</b> this site, that I had the pop ups with this site's address. Even as I'm typing, it stops as if my computer is trying to "do/process" something else!
Julie - I'm glad I'm not the only one!