To Parents of CF Kids - how do you de-stress?!


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just bought new house . it resembled a skip. have gutted it top to bottom. i chill out doing serious diy. i find when i'm busy it takes my mind off all lifes problems.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"> ohh, and sometimes i go out with husband and come home rolling drunk!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">


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Recently there hasn't been much time for de-stressing at my house, but glass of wine every night (usually while my kids are having PT) is nice.


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I try to have once a fortnight (more if can fit in with the schedule) drinks with my girlfriends. It is a great way to wind down and gives me a chance to listen to the things happening in their lives.

In between drinks I take the opoortunity whenever it arises to put the kids to bed, fill up the bath, add essential oils, light candles and just soak for a good 45 mins. In fact I might do that right now. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

I should add I love to paint aswell but having 2 little ones really restricts the time I have to do that. I'll let you in on a little secret. Kids + oil paints = one hewll of a big mess with no one to clean it other than me!

Mother of Mikayla (4.5 yrs) and Elisha (6.5 months). My two angels who happen to have CF.


New member
I go to scrapbooking crops once a month.....although thats not nearly enough to unwind BUT its something my husband KNOWS is on the calendar every month.
Last night I had a headache and got to watch my husband took over for a few hours....we are working on him helping out at night...since I do it all during the day AND weekends.


New member
what the heck is " scrap booking crops" ?never heard of that.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-confused.gif" border="0">


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Okay even though I'm not a Mom I remember what mine used to do, so can i play too?
She used to put us to bed (or try anyway) at like 5pm!!!!!!!!!!!!! She'd start the whole dinner and bath thing at like 4 and pull the shades etc. and be like...oohh gee look it's bed time..... this went on occassionally until I was about 5 and my sister 7 and she got the time thing down and started telling me it wasn't REALLY bedtime. The jig was up on Mom's then. So much for her "early evenings". he he he poor Mom.

<br><br>She did try it again randomly one year when I was about 9 and sis 11..ha ha we laughed until we cried we were like uhmmm Mom we're a little too old for that scam. That's when Mom started going to the grocery store for about 3 hrs.....I imagine she was reading in the car somewhere.


New member
mums really do do that, lol, i did it with my oldest son when he was little. oh bless him , he never knew. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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A monthly Planning Commission meeting -- it's work, but I get to escape from the routine once or twice a month -- Or I go to the grocery store or target all by myself for half hour/45 minutes without DS. Heck, I can't even take 15 seconds to pee in peace lately. Toddlers <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> Gotta love them.

DS has become a nightowl and we've been spending most of our evenings lately trying to settle him down and get him to bed in a timely manner. Unfortunately, I'm the favorite parent right now so I have to sit with him while he hangs out on the potty, eats (dawdles) over his dinner, watches cartoons, plays on his slide, "helps" me water the garden and flowers --- while my dear, sweet husband -- escapes to his reading room or to the computer to play some war game. liza