TOBI @ 16 Months


New member
Hi All,

Need some quick advice. My daughter, Cassidie (16 Months), just got a positive for PA. We're starting TOBI this week and are looking for some advice on how to get her to sit still and breathe in this mask for 15 mins. Could also use some tips for CPT. She's usually pretty good but, it's tough. What have others done to make these things easier. We're open to all suggestions.


Loving Father of Cassidie


New member
Hi - Jason was 18 mos when he started TOBI. During the evening, he usu fell to sleep while we did the manual CPT, so we would use tha PARI infant mask with the TOBI while he slept. That was always the easy one. If we couldn't keep him engaged long enough for the morning TOBI (Barney usu. did the trick), we would do blow by instead of the mask. As far as the CPT, if he was antsy, we made a tickle game out of it. The laughing actually helped with the CPT. Hope some of this helps. For the most part, it was just a tough phase and it got easier. Wishing you the best.


New member
My son went into the hospital at 15 months for PA and that's when we decided that TV was not such a bad thing after all. He was a big fan of the "baby einstein" videos at that age and we used that to keep somewhat still during nebulizer treatments. But it still took 2 people and a fair amount of the time it ended up as a blow-by treatment instead of the mask.

For CPT, we turned it into part of the playtime routine and just did not get too worried about whether we did it all exactly right or not. One of the respiratory techs at the hospital was very insistent on doing CPT really hard and by the book and the only thing it did was wreck the compliance we'd gotten because it upset him so much. We had to banish that tech. from the room. So what I'm saying is to keep the big picture / long view in mind and not sweat the imperfections of technique and compliance right now.

good luck.


New member
<div class="FTQUOTE"><begin quote><i>Originally posted by: <b>anonymous</b></i>

Hi All,

Need some quick advice. My daughter, Cassidie (16 Months), just got a positive for PA. We're starting TOBI this week and are looking for some advice on how to get her to sit still and breathe in this mask for 15 mins. Could also use some tips for CPT. She's usually pretty good but, it's tough. What have others done to make these things easier. We're open to all suggestions.


Loving Father of Cassidie</end quote></div>


Our daughter is 2 1/2 years old. She had a positive for PA when she was 10 months old. We thought we'd never get her to do the nebuliser, but we did! It was tough at the beginning, but we got through it. She did nebuliser for 4 months, then her cough swabs were clear for another 12 months, but PA came back again unfortunately. She has now been doing nebuliser since last October and has to do it for at least another 12 months. It was a lot easier the second time around because we were much more confident with things because we knew what to expect. She now uses the mouthpiece with the nebuliser instead of the face mask which is much better as it gives her much more freedom to watch tv, etc. Things will get easier as your daughter gets a bit older because she will get more used to it. We also let her dolls do her nebuliser and let her watch dvds just to make it more fun and take her mind off it. Glad to answer any of your questions if you have any.

Good luck!

Charlotte<img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0">


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Sorry clicked on <img src="i/expressions/wine.gif" border="0"> instead of <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-wink.gif" border="0">.



Staff member
We still use the bubbles the fish mask. DS now holds the nebulizer all by himself, but we still hang out and supervise. We bought a portable DVD player for travelling and a lot of times he'll watch a movie on that and we can watch the news on our tv. Sometimes he asks for a snack -- toy story 2 last week required Cheetos <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


New member
When Jaden tested postive for PA we used the car seat to do her nebs and it was wonderful. Made it alot eaiser on both of us. She watched the Little Eisteins or her Barney DVD and everyone was happy, usually the eve treatment she'd fall asleep.


New member
Thanks to all who've replied. We'll try all of your suggestions.

Sorry for the anonymity, I've not signed up yet.

Best Regards,

Trent Thomas
Loving father of Cassidie


New member
Hi, I am sorry your daughter has PA and I hope she gets rid of it quickly. My daughter was 14 months when she first cultured it and started TOBI. We got out the good old baby swing and put her in it. At first, one of us would have to hold the neb cup in from of her mouth but it wasn't too long before she held it there by herself. So, she would sit in the swing, holding her nebulizer while watching a video (or we would read books to her). It worked out great!

There is a picture of her doing this on her website, just scroll down on the page:
<a target=_blank class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="
Best Wishes!
Kelli - mom of Sydney 35 months wcf and Andrew 2.5 weeks nocf


New member
Hi - when our daughter Amy was young (she's 24 now), I would put the mask on a stuffed animal or dog for a couple of
minutes before we started the treatment (for the first week or so). She really liked that and made the
treatment more approachable to her. When it was her turn, I would read or sing, or both with her.
I kept special books and toys that she really liked for the aerosol time so it became a time she looked
forward to. If you make it clear that the treatment is going to happen no matter what
and you make it one of the most fun times of the day, there shouldn't be a problem after a few days.
The most important thing is that your child knows it's not an option. Her health will be so much better
and emotionally you'll avoid alot of problems if she starts accepting things that can't change, from the


New member
My daughter is 14 mos old & last week was diagnosed with PA, 1st time. We started Tobi and Cipro. We use a mask b<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0"><img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">/c we feel she benefits more from it. When it comes to how we handle it, our nurse told us to think of it this way...when she is throwing a screaming fit, she is inhaling the Tobi deaper!!! That's a good thing!! We wish you the best!! We know exactly what you are going through!!! God Bless!!


New member
Sorry about the symbols, they weren't suppose to be there!? I also wanted to tell you that we sing during Tobi...and our nurse told us to tap the medicine cup to make sure you get full benefit of using all the medicine...