Tobi and hoarse sounding voice


Staff member
DS has been off and on Tobi since he was an infant and last night I noticed he sounded kinda froggy throated. Haven't noticed it before really. He said his throat doesn't hurt. He also seems to have a dry cough -- more as if he's trying to clear his throat. It IS really dry here and he seems fine otherwise. L


New member
Reece has this also.....hoarse voice.....and he is forever "trying" to clear his throat. Ive read that it IS the TOBI!!!


Staff member
I know others on this site have mentioned it before, it's just that I've never really noticed it with him before. More of a stuffier, boogier nose which he tends to dig for gold in during tobi times. Must just be because he's really becoming more of a talker these days. But you know how it is -- something different, a little cough -- one gets worried, mind starts racing! And lets see, last week he was chewing on a piece of paper that he picked up off the floor at school, was caught drinking out of the garden hose and the water was being pumped from the lake -- ewwwww!



New member
Oh boy, do we relate! My daughter just turned 5 and had her first course of tobi and pulmazyme this summer. We noticed a big change in her voice, both lower and raspier. She sounded like a miniature Lauren Bacall. We were told both meds could have this effect. I would guess that you are right; you are noticing it now because he is talking more. (Ours never STOPS talking, so perhaps that is why it was so noticable!) <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


New member
Emily gets really hoarse during TOBI months. Her cry sounds more like a barking seal. She coughs more during those months, and cries more becasue she HATES TOBI, so maybe those things come into play. But, I do beleive that the package insert says that it can cause a hoarse voice.

Liza - what is it with these kids and eating paper???? Emily will chomp on any paper that gets close enough to her mouth. She is just starting to crawl, and nothing motivates her quite like going after a scrap of paper left on the floor. I actually "baited" her with a sheet of loose-leaf to show her physical therapist that she could move!


New member
Hi, my name is deanna. I am 35 with c.f. i don't know why they say
that sounding a little hoarse, or scratchy could be a side affect
from Tobi. I can guarantee it will happen with Tobi. Some people it
will eventually go away after a few month long sessions, but I get
that way every time i start my new cycle of Tobi. usually it will
only last a few days, but sometimes it takes longer. But it usually
sounds much worse than it feels. sometimes it actually fwwls kind
of good because it is breaking things(goooey junk) up in there.