Toddler Urinary Tract Infection?


Staff member
We're in the midst of potty training our son and he's been doing pretty well, but the last few nights he's had several accidents. He's not drinking excessively, but he's peeing through his training pants. Otherwise, he's eating well, drinking well, isn't feverish, plays well and seems fairly happy.

Being new to this parenting thing and potty training stuff, I asked the daycare director if he maybe wasn't regressing and her feeling was that he wasn't -- and he commented that his tummy hurt, but he's eating well and they don't know if his tummy hurts because he's hungry or if it's related to this. Also, it just started happening today.

I've got an appointment to take him in to the local clinic and a call in to his CF doctor in the City. He WAS on cipro until last Saturday for an upper respiratory infection, but wouldn't think that would be related to this... Liza


New member
Does he seem constipated at all? I know for me & others that dont have CF that if someone is constipated that it can push on the bladder & cause frequent urination or not empty the bladder completely! Just a thought....that poop can do a number on many things.


New member

My son without CF was not potty trained until well past 3 1/2 years old. He always seemed to busy to be bothered with going to the potty to pee. At night he had accidents alot, we would wake him up before we went to bed to make him go pee (around 10 or 11pm) and that seemed to be the trick to keeping him dry. Now my daughter with CF she's now almost 3 1/2 has been potty trained since 2 1/2 and almost always dry, she wakes herself up at night if she has to pee so she doesn't wet the bed.

My opinion is if your son was recently on Cipro it is unlikely he has a urinary infection(course I'm not a doc though). Perhaps the Cipro is causing the upset stomach cause whatever bug you were killing with the Cipro most likely killed the good bacteria in his gut as well. I guess make sure he's not constipated as well too. And of course it never hurts to check with your clinic doc.


REbecca(mom to Sammy 7 no Cf and Maggie 3 with CF)


New member
Oh, I forgot to add boys tend to get less urinary infections than girls, has to do with the length of the urethra, if ya know what i mean. Plus I would think he'ld have a temp.



New member
I'm kinda freaked out right now 'cuz I worry about CFRD (CF Related Diabetes) and I got a call back from the CF clinic and am told to get a urinalysis, urine culture, glucose -- the last one really really worried me although last month at CF clinic I believe his glucose level was in the mid 90s. The nurse also mentioned giving him milk of mag and I seem to recall also on an Xray last month it mentioned there was some stool showing up on the large intestine -- I didn't think much of it 'cuz he hadn't pooped yet that day. So the Cipro could've stopped him up and he needs something to get things moving. We haven't had to give him milk of mag for a while.

I called my husband over the noon hour 'cuz I am now so worried that it's CFRD and he told me that the day care director was really frazzled this morning -- has some new workers, which is why he came home with some bags of wet underwear yesterday -- he was busy playing on the playground and they forgot to make sure all the kids went potty. That yesterday Max woke up dry, that he peed at the dinner table last night because I wouldn't let him get down to go play with his new soccer ball from grandpa.... He feels that he's messing with us. I hope he's right.

Got an appointment in two hours at the local clinic in town. I just hope they cooperate with me an order the tests our doctor in the city wants, sometimes they can be difficult. L


New member

Hope everything goes ok. I bet they are getting the urine just to rule stuff out, just to make sure ya know.

Good luck and try not to worry,


New member
Cipro is commonly prescribed for UTIs so it seems like if he was on cipro that it would be unlikely to see a UTI getting started...but stranger things happen I guess.


Staff member
Took him to the local clinic yesterday. Asked him in the car if his tummy hurt and to show me where -- was it his tummy, lower abdomen... Explained we were going to the doctor and he might have to pee in a cup and that they were going to ask him if he hurt. So all the way there and all the way throughout the clinic it was "Hi, my name is Maximilian. I go to the doctor. I have an owie penis". We're so proud <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Was so good when they drew his blood, much better than his mom. He said out, looked down and shouted with glee, Hey, that's my blood! Initial tests showed his urine was crystal clear, not sugar showed up either. Have to send the blood and urine in to the main clinic for testing. Could be constipation issues -- cipro did affect his input and output. Started on some milk of Mag again. He did have a bubble bath or two this past week with Dora bubbles. Last night at McDonalds he looked at me and said, Hey, I peeing. Took him to the restroom and he was fairly wet and then he peed a tiny bit more. Could be an urgency issue -- I seem to have some of those myself these days.


New member
Caleb has been potty trained for a few yrs now.. he went over a yr with no accidents during the day or at night. he would wake up dry in the morning and no problems.. then all of a sudden one night he pee'd the bed... then a few nights dry.. then he started wetting the bed every night so i bought some pullups for *just in case* but those didnt hold up he was soaking them and soaking through his i started using good nights and he pee's through those sometimes too.. not sure why he regressed either but doc doesnt seem worried, she just keeps saying that boys have a harder time controlling those muscles and that it should pass..... i think part of it is he drinks so much that his little bladder cant keep up! lol..... Caleb has had a urinary tract infection when he was almost 1 Now that was tramatic!!! they had to put a cathader in for a urine sample in the er to confirm it.. then we had to go through ultra sounds and those were fine.. finally he saw a kidney/bladder doc and they had to do another cathader to see if he was emptying ok, and everything ended up coming back fine and no problems since... when he did have the uti he had fevers.. Ok im rambling.. not sure if any of this even helps *grin*... but you are definately not alone <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Melissa mom to dylan 7 no cf and caleb 4wcf


New member
Caleb has been potty trained for a few yrs now.. he went over a yr with no accidents during the day or at night. he would wake up dry in the morning and no problems.. then all of a sudden one night he pee'd the bed... then a few nights dry.. then he started wetting the bed every night so i bought some pullups for *just in case* but those didnt hold up he was soaking them and soaking through his i started using good nights and he pee's through those sometimes too.. not sure why he regressed either but doc doesnt seem worried, she just keeps saying that boys have a harder time controlling those muscles and that it should pass..... i think part of it is he drinks so much that his little bladder cant keep up! lol..... Caleb has had a urinary tract infection when he was almost 1 Now that was tramatic!!! they had to put a cathader in for a urine sample in the er to confirm it.. then we had to go through ultra sounds and those were fine.. finally he saw a kidney/bladder doc and they had to do another cathader to see if he was emptying ok, and everything ended up coming back fine and no problems since... when he did have the uti he had fevers.. Ok im rambling.. not sure if any of this even helps *grin*... but you are definately not alone <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">

Melissa mom to dylan 7 no cf and caleb 4wcf