Toddler with pain on her bottom


New member
My daughter, who is 3, is potty trained, but still refuses to poo in the potty. We had a horrible experience with constipation during potty training, and I tried to sit her on the potty thinking it would help her to move things, and now she associates the potty with painful bm's.

In any case, lately when she has a bm in her diaper, her bottom is really red and irritated and she tells me that her bottom hurts "inside" any ideas on what that could be? Could it have anything to do with her enzymes? Or not CF related? I just don't know anymore what's related to her CF or not....


New member
My daughter, who is 3, is potty trained, but still refuses to poo in the potty. We had a horrible experience with constipation during potty training, and I tried to sit her on the potty thinking it would help her to move things, and now she associates the potty with painful bm's.

In any case, lately when she has a bm in her diaper, her bottom is really red and irritated and she tells me that her bottom hurts "inside" any ideas on what that could be? Could it have anything to do with her enzymes? Or not CF related? I just don't know anymore what's related to her CF or not....


New member
My daughter, who is 3, is potty trained, but still refuses to poo in the potty. We had a horrible experience with constipation during potty training, and I tried to sit her on the potty thinking it would help her to move things, and now she associates the potty with painful bm's.

In any case, lately when she has a bm in her diaper, her bottom is really red and irritated and she tells me that her bottom hurts "inside" any ideas on what that could be? Could it have anything to do with her enzymes? Or not CF related? I just don't know anymore what's related to her CF or not....


New member
It could be anything from an irritation from the poop to a urinary tract infection. I would definitely contact the doctor. You dont want her to suffer. If its just an irritation bathing without soap or bubble bath etc should help. I still use desitin on my 8 year old if she gets an irritated bottom....she actually asks for it LOL!


New member
It could be anything from an irritation from the poop to a urinary tract infection. I would definitely contact the doctor. You dont want her to suffer. If its just an irritation bathing without soap or bubble bath etc should help. I still use desitin on my 8 year old if she gets an irritated bottom....she actually asks for it LOL!


New member
It could be anything from an irritation from the poop to a urinary tract infection. I would definitely contact the doctor. You dont want her to suffer. If its just an irritation bathing without soap or bubble bath etc should help. I still use desitin on my 8 year old if she gets an irritated bottom....she actually asks for it LOL!


Both of my daughters complained about the same thing. Potty training to go poop in the toilet was a bad experience for us because my older daughter used to get rectal prolapses when pooping and she would connect the two together. I would also use desitin on my girls as they have gotten older.
I also used a prescription, can't remember what it was, for diaper rash, and it worked like a charm.


Both of my daughters complained about the same thing. Potty training to go poop in the toilet was a bad experience for us because my older daughter used to get rectal prolapses when pooping and she would connect the two together. I would also use desitin on my girls as they have gotten older.
I also used a prescription, can't remember what it was, for diaper rash, and it worked like a charm.


Both of my daughters complained about the same thing. Potty training to go poop in the toilet was a bad experience for us because my older daughter used to get rectal prolapses when pooping and she would connect the two together. I would also use desitin on my girls as they have gotten older.
I also used a prescription, can't remember what it was, for diaper rash, and it worked like a charm.


Staff member
DS had issues with "the red monkey butt", which is what he still calls it when his butt hurts. Prior to potty training, if he pooped and we didn't notice or during the night and he didn't wake up -- the area where there was poo was bright red. And sometimes he'd get irritation in the folds of his legs. We used triple paste -- put a thick coating on after a soak in the tub and by the next morning or next diaper change he was fine. The stuff we used was made by sween or bazaa called critcaid. There's also stuff called butt paste you can get at walmart or target, but the criticaid stuff worked best for us. Didn't come off until it was washed off and formed a protective barrier.

Oh, and prior to potty training, DS was terrified of the potty chair because he once pooped as I was pulling him out of the tub --- prior to that time he apparently didn't realize where poop came from -- screamed in terror and it took forever to get him to try again.


Staff member
DS had issues with "the red monkey butt", which is what he still calls it when his butt hurts. Prior to potty training, if he pooped and we didn't notice or during the night and he didn't wake up -- the area where there was poo was bright red. And sometimes he'd get irritation in the folds of his legs. We used triple paste -- put a thick coating on after a soak in the tub and by the next morning or next diaper change he was fine. The stuff we used was made by sween or bazaa called critcaid. There's also stuff called butt paste you can get at walmart or target, but the criticaid stuff worked best for us. Didn't come off until it was washed off and formed a protective barrier.

Oh, and prior to potty training, DS was terrified of the potty chair because he once pooped as I was pulling him out of the tub --- prior to that time he apparently didn't realize where poop came from -- screamed in terror and it took forever to get him to try again.


Staff member
DS had issues with "the red monkey butt", which is what he still calls it when his butt hurts. Prior to potty training, if he pooped and we didn't notice or during the night and he didn't wake up -- the area where there was poo was bright red. And sometimes he'd get irritation in the folds of his legs. We used triple paste -- put a thick coating on after a soak in the tub and by the next morning or next diaper change he was fine. The stuff we used was made by sween or bazaa called critcaid. There's also stuff called butt paste you can get at walmart or target, but the criticaid stuff worked best for us. Didn't come off until it was washed off and formed a protective barrier.

Oh, and prior to potty training, DS was terrified of the potty chair because he once pooped as I was pulling him out of the tub --- prior to that time he apparently didn't realize where poop came from -- screamed in terror and it took forever to get him to try again.