Toilet Training


New member
Hi everyone
I haven`t been on this forum for such a long time. But i always know if i have problems i can talk to you guys. I have an issue with toilet training my son who is now 4. We have had a fair few hospital stays this year and one of them was for a prolapsed bowel which came out 3 days in a row. Followed up with a stitch to keep it in place. The problem i am having is he won`t sit on the toilet as he fears his bottom will hurt, he will only do poos in a nappy and quite happily i might add. His bowel came out when i was toilet traing him at around 3 years but he tended to hang on until he came home from daycare or any one elses house. So i stopped it altogether as i fear that it will prolapse again. I have tried everthing. Stickers, rewards, reading a book. I know in myself he will only do this when he is ready but i am so beside myself in what to do. I am also so fed up with everone telling me he should be trained by now. I would really appreciate your feedback if anyone else has had this problem with their child. I get so many different opinions from peadiatricians, to nurses to OT specialists i don`t know which way to go. Ben doesn`t go to daycare at the moment as he hangs on all day which is not good for him. If anyone could give me some advice i would be much appreciated.

With love to all the cf mums and dads out there. You are my special angels.

Mum to Benjamin dd508 diagnosed September 2005


New member
Hi everyone
I haven`t been on this forum for such a long time. But i always know if i have problems i can talk to you guys. I have an issue with toilet training my son who is now 4. We have had a fair few hospital stays this year and one of them was for a prolapsed bowel which came out 3 days in a row. Followed up with a stitch to keep it in place. The problem i am having is he won`t sit on the toilet as he fears his bottom will hurt, he will only do poos in a nappy and quite happily i might add. His bowel came out when i was toilet traing him at around 3 years but he tended to hang on until he came home from daycare or any one elses house. So i stopped it altogether as i fear that it will prolapse again. I have tried everthing. Stickers, rewards, reading a book. I know in myself he will only do this when he is ready but i am so beside myself in what to do. I am also so fed up with everone telling me he should be trained by now. I would really appreciate your feedback if anyone else has had this problem with their child. I get so many different opinions from peadiatricians, to nurses to OT specialists i don`t know which way to go. Ben doesn`t go to daycare at the moment as he hangs on all day which is not good for him. If anyone could give me some advice i would be much appreciated.

With love to all the cf mums and dads out there. You are my special angels.

Mum to Benjamin dd508 diagnosed September 2005


New member
Hi everyone
I haven`t been on this forum for such a long time. But i always know if i have problems i can talk to you guys. I have an issue with toilet training my son who is now 4. We have had a fair few hospital stays this year and one of them was for a prolapsed bowel which came out 3 days in a row. Followed up with a stitch to keep it in place. The problem i am having is he won`t sit on the toilet as he fears his bottom will hurt, he will only do poos in a nappy and quite happily i might add. His bowel came out when i was toilet traing him at around 3 years but he tended to hang on until he came home from daycare or any one elses house. So i stopped it altogether as i fear that it will prolapse again. I have tried everthing. Stickers, rewards, reading a book. I know in myself he will only do this when he is ready but i am so beside myself in what to do. I am also so fed up with everone telling me he should be trained by now. I would really appreciate your feedback if anyone else has had this problem with their child. I get so many different opinions from peadiatricians, to nurses to OT specialists i don`t know which way to go. Ben doesn`t go to daycare at the moment as he hangs on all day which is not good for him. If anyone could give me some advice i would be much appreciated.

With love to all the cf mums and dads out there. You are my special angels.

Mum to Benjamin dd508 diagnosed September 2005


New member
Hi everyone
I haven`t been on this forum for such a long time. But i always know if i have problems i can talk to you guys. I have an issue with toilet training my son who is now 4. We have had a fair few hospital stays this year and one of them was for a prolapsed bowel which came out 3 days in a row. Followed up with a stitch to keep it in place. The problem i am having is he won`t sit on the toilet as he fears his bottom will hurt, he will only do poos in a nappy and quite happily i might add. His bowel came out when i was toilet traing him at around 3 years but he tended to hang on until he came home from daycare or any one elses house. So i stopped it altogether as i fear that it will prolapse again. I have tried everthing. Stickers, rewards, reading a book. I know in myself he will only do this when he is ready but i am so beside myself in what to do. I am also so fed up with everone telling me he should be trained by now. I would really appreciate your feedback if anyone else has had this problem with their child. I get so many different opinions from peadiatricians, to nurses to OT specialists i don`t know which way to go. Ben doesn`t go to daycare at the moment as he hangs on all day which is not good for him. If anyone could give me some advice i would be much appreciated.

With love to all the cf mums and dads out there. You are my special angels.

Mum to Benjamin dd508 diagnosed September 2005


New member
Hi everyone
<br />I haven`t been on this forum for such a long time. But i always know if i have problems i can talk to you guys. I have an issue with toilet training my son who is now 4. We have had a fair few hospital stays this year and one of them was for a prolapsed bowel which came out 3 days in a row. Followed up with a stitch to keep it in place. The problem i am having is he won`t sit on the toilet as he fears his bottom will hurt, he will only do poos in a nappy and quite happily i might add. His bowel came out when i was toilet traing him at around 3 years but he tended to hang on until he came home from daycare or any one elses house. So i stopped it altogether as i fear that it will prolapse again. I have tried everthing. Stickers, rewards, reading a book. I know in myself he will only do this when he is ready but i am so beside myself in what to do. I am also so fed up with everone telling me he should be trained by now. I would really appreciate your feedback if anyone else has had this problem with their child. I get so many different opinions from peadiatricians, to nurses to OT specialists i don`t know which way to go. Ben doesn`t go to daycare at the moment as he hangs on all day which is not good for him. If anyone could give me some advice i would be much appreciated.
<br />
<br />With love to all the cf mums and dads out there. You are my special angels.
<br />
<br />Donna
<br />Mum to Benjamin dd508 diagnosed September 2005
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New member
As far as all your friends, relatives, etc having an opinion on the matter (and everyone always does when it comes to toilet training, which is so exasperating), tell them until they've had to have a doctor put their child's rectum back into his body, as well as administer exams that usually aren't necessary for decades, they have no right to declare themselves experts on your son. OK, so maybe you won't (I would), but feel free to think it whenever you look at them, lol!

I would first of all try to take all pressure off your son about this... it won't help the situation (he is already scared over what's happened in the past, plus kids his age are notorious for digging in their heels about something they have rather strong feelings about... and the pressure is enormous on you too, being inundated with so much conflicting advice. If he keeps holding it and ends up chronically constipated, it WILL make the problem worse.

Are his stools very hard to pass or hard and do they ever hurt when he goes in the diaper? If he's not under any pressure to use the toilet will he go regularly in the diaper (i.e. daily or whatever?) If he has any trouble there, I would address that first and get it to where he is going regularly in whatever setting he is comfortable, and having soft/easy to pass stools (talk to the doctor and see if he needs to be taking something for this to happen), and showing no evidence of problems or pain when you clean him up (more prolapsing, fissures, hemorrhoids, etc) before doing anything else.

Once the 'holding it' part has been resolved for a while, then maybe sitting on the toilet can be attempted again more successfully, but it will have to be once pooping is less associated with pain/fear (and since he still holds it even for the diaper, this still seems to be an issue.)

As far as any advice or whatever that you want to go with... for your sanity I would try to pick ONE doctor or OT you trust, go with one plan, and tell everyone else that you have a plan, that your child needs consistency, and that you cannot keep changing what to do.

I hope some of this helps. These are just thoughts I could come up with based on a kid who wouldn't poop outside of a diaper/pullup until he was 4 (one of my non-cf kids); my daughter w/ CF has some problems with partial prolapse, a healed fissure and some small hemorrhoids and saw a dr. for it a few times. The dr mentioned the stitch thing but does not feel she needs it at this time, fortunately! She was not fully potty trained until she was 5 and we realize now these issues could have played a part.


New member
As far as all your friends, relatives, etc having an opinion on the matter (and everyone always does when it comes to toilet training, which is so exasperating), tell them until they've had to have a doctor put their child's rectum back into his body, as well as administer exams that usually aren't necessary for decades, they have no right to declare themselves experts on your son. OK, so maybe you won't (I would), but feel free to think it whenever you look at them, lol!

I would first of all try to take all pressure off your son about this... it won't help the situation (he is already scared over what's happened in the past, plus kids his age are notorious for digging in their heels about something they have rather strong feelings about... and the pressure is enormous on you too, being inundated with so much conflicting advice. If he keeps holding it and ends up chronically constipated, it WILL make the problem worse.

Are his stools very hard to pass or hard and do they ever hurt when he goes in the diaper? If he's not under any pressure to use the toilet will he go regularly in the diaper (i.e. daily or whatever?) If he has any trouble there, I would address that first and get it to where he is going regularly in whatever setting he is comfortable, and having soft/easy to pass stools (talk to the doctor and see if he needs to be taking something for this to happen), and showing no evidence of problems or pain when you clean him up (more prolapsing, fissures, hemorrhoids, etc) before doing anything else.

Once the 'holding it' part has been resolved for a while, then maybe sitting on the toilet can be attempted again more successfully, but it will have to be once pooping is less associated with pain/fear (and since he still holds it even for the diaper, this still seems to be an issue.)

As far as any advice or whatever that you want to go with... for your sanity I would try to pick ONE doctor or OT you trust, go with one plan, and tell everyone else that you have a plan, that your child needs consistency, and that you cannot keep changing what to do.

I hope some of this helps. These are just thoughts I could come up with based on a kid who wouldn't poop outside of a diaper/pullup until he was 4 (one of my non-cf kids); my daughter w/ CF has some problems with partial prolapse, a healed fissure and some small hemorrhoids and saw a dr. for it a few times. The dr mentioned the stitch thing but does not feel she needs it at this time, fortunately! She was not fully potty trained until she was 5 and we realize now these issues could have played a part.


New member
As far as all your friends, relatives, etc having an opinion on the matter (and everyone always does when it comes to toilet training, which is so exasperating), tell them until they've had to have a doctor put their child's rectum back into his body, as well as administer exams that usually aren't necessary for decades, they have no right to declare themselves experts on your son. OK, so maybe you won't (I would), but feel free to think it whenever you look at them, lol!

I would first of all try to take all pressure off your son about this... it won't help the situation (he is already scared over what's happened in the past, plus kids his age are notorious for digging in their heels about something they have rather strong feelings about... and the pressure is enormous on you too, being inundated with so much conflicting advice. If he keeps holding it and ends up chronically constipated, it WILL make the problem worse.

Are his stools very hard to pass or hard and do they ever hurt when he goes in the diaper? If he's not under any pressure to use the toilet will he go regularly in the diaper (i.e. daily or whatever?) If he has any trouble there, I would address that first and get it to where he is going regularly in whatever setting he is comfortable, and having soft/easy to pass stools (talk to the doctor and see if he needs to be taking something for this to happen), and showing no evidence of problems or pain when you clean him up (more prolapsing, fissures, hemorrhoids, etc) before doing anything else.

Once the 'holding it' part has been resolved for a while, then maybe sitting on the toilet can be attempted again more successfully, but it will have to be once pooping is less associated with pain/fear (and since he still holds it even for the diaper, this still seems to be an issue.)

As far as any advice or whatever that you want to go with... for your sanity I would try to pick ONE doctor or OT you trust, go with one plan, and tell everyone else that you have a plan, that your child needs consistency, and that you cannot keep changing what to do.

I hope some of this helps. These are just thoughts I could come up with based on a kid who wouldn't poop outside of a diaper/pullup until he was 4 (one of my non-cf kids); my daughter w/ CF has some problems with partial prolapse, a healed fissure and some small hemorrhoids and saw a dr. for it a few times. The dr mentioned the stitch thing but does not feel she needs it at this time, fortunately! She was not fully potty trained until she was 5 and we realize now these issues could have played a part.


New member
As far as all your friends, relatives, etc having an opinion on the matter (and everyone always does when it comes to toilet training, which is so exasperating), tell them until they've had to have a doctor put their child's rectum back into his body, as well as administer exams that usually aren't necessary for decades, they have no right to declare themselves experts on your son. OK, so maybe you won't (I would), but feel free to think it whenever you look at them, lol!

I would first of all try to take all pressure off your son about this... it won't help the situation (he is already scared over what's happened in the past, plus kids his age are notorious for digging in their heels about something they have rather strong feelings about... and the pressure is enormous on you too, being inundated with so much conflicting advice. If he keeps holding it and ends up chronically constipated, it WILL make the problem worse.

Are his stools very hard to pass or hard and do they ever hurt when he goes in the diaper? If he's not under any pressure to use the toilet will he go regularly in the diaper (i.e. daily or whatever?) If he has any trouble there, I would address that first and get it to where he is going regularly in whatever setting he is comfortable, and having soft/easy to pass stools (talk to the doctor and see if he needs to be taking something for this to happen), and showing no evidence of problems or pain when you clean him up (more prolapsing, fissures, hemorrhoids, etc) before doing anything else.

Once the 'holding it' part has been resolved for a while, then maybe sitting on the toilet can be attempted again more successfully, but it will have to be once pooping is less associated with pain/fear (and since he still holds it even for the diaper, this still seems to be an issue.)

As far as any advice or whatever that you want to go with... for your sanity I would try to pick ONE doctor or OT you trust, go with one plan, and tell everyone else that you have a plan, that your child needs consistency, and that you cannot keep changing what to do.

I hope some of this helps. These are just thoughts I could come up with based on a kid who wouldn't poop outside of a diaper/pullup until he was 4 (one of my non-cf kids); my daughter w/ CF has some problems with partial prolapse, a healed fissure and some small hemorrhoids and saw a dr. for it a few times. The dr mentioned the stitch thing but does not feel she needs it at this time, fortunately! She was not fully potty trained until she was 5 and we realize now these issues could have played a part.


New member
As far as all your friends, relatives, etc having an opinion on the matter (and everyone always does when it comes to toilet training, which is so exasperating), tell them until they've had to have a doctor put their child's rectum back into his body, as well as administer exams that usually aren't necessary for decades, they have no right to declare themselves experts on your son. OK, so maybe you won't (I would), but feel free to think it whenever you look at them, lol!
<br />
<br />I would first of all try to take all pressure off your son about this... it won't help the situation (he is already scared over what's happened in the past, plus kids his age are notorious for digging in their heels about something they have rather strong feelings about... and the pressure is enormous on you too, being inundated with so much conflicting advice. If he keeps holding it and ends up chronically constipated, it WILL make the problem worse.
<br />
<br />Are his stools very hard to pass or hard and do they ever hurt when he goes in the diaper? If he's not under any pressure to use the toilet will he go regularly in the diaper (i.e. daily or whatever?) If he has any trouble there, I would address that first and get it to where he is going regularly in whatever setting he is comfortable, and having soft/easy to pass stools (talk to the doctor and see if he needs to be taking something for this to happen), and showing no evidence of problems or pain when you clean him up (more prolapsing, fissures, hemorrhoids, etc) before doing anything else.
<br />
<br />Once the 'holding it' part has been resolved for a while, then maybe sitting on the toilet can be attempted again more successfully, but it will have to be once pooping is less associated with pain/fear (and since he still holds it even for the diaper, this still seems to be an issue.)
<br />
<br />As far as any advice or whatever that you want to go with... for your sanity I would try to pick ONE doctor or OT you trust, go with one plan, and tell everyone else that you have a plan, that your child needs consistency, and that you cannot keep changing what to do.
<br />
<br />I hope some of this helps. These are just thoughts I could come up with based on a kid who wouldn't poop outside of a diaper/pullup until he was 4 (one of my non-cf kids); my daughter w/ CF has some problems with partial prolapse, a healed fissure and some small hemorrhoids and saw a dr. for it a few times. The dr mentioned the stitch thing but does not feel she needs it at this time, fortunately! She was not fully potty trained until she was 5 and we realize now these issues could have played a part.


New member
I agree with everything Harriett said. One other thing is when you try the toilet sure he is comfortable.

If you dont have a seat to accomodate his size....its important to get one.

I am 41 years old & I know that if I have a hard time pooping that the last thing I want to be is uncomfortable or not fitting properly on top of it all!


New member
I agree with everything Harriett said. One other thing is when you try the toilet sure he is comfortable.

If you dont have a seat to accomodate his size....its important to get one.

I am 41 years old & I know that if I have a hard time pooping that the last thing I want to be is uncomfortable or not fitting properly on top of it all!


New member
I agree with everything Harriett said. One other thing is when you try the toilet sure he is comfortable.

If you dont have a seat to accomodate his size....its important to get one.

I am 41 years old & I know that if I have a hard time pooping that the last thing I want to be is uncomfortable or not fitting properly on top of it all!


New member
I agree with everything Harriett said. One other thing is when you try the toilet sure he is comfortable.

If you dont have a seat to accomodate his size....its important to get one.

I am 41 years old & I know that if I have a hard time pooping that the last thing I want to be is uncomfortable or not fitting properly on top of it all!


New member
I agree with everything Harriett said. One other thing is when you try the toilet sure he is comfortable.
<br />
<br />If you dont have a seat to accomodate his size....its important to get one.
<br />
<br />I am 41 years old & I know that if I have a hard time pooping that the last thing I want to be is uncomfortable or not fitting properly on top of it all!


Staff member
I thought for sure DS would be trained early because he HATED having a dirty diaper. So when DS was 18 months old, he started expressing an interest in using the toilet. So I got him a potty chair, got him a seat to put on the toilet. And the first time he stooled in the potty chair he screamed in fear about what came out of him and I couldn't get him to go near the thing for another 6 months. If he was in the tub, he'd start to whine, I'd have to put a diaper back on him and he'd soil it. Try to put him on the toilet, he'd scream in terror.

I thought the kid would never ever be potty trained. Before he turned 3 his daycare provider indicated he'd been waking up dry. That he'd actually GO for them (peer presure?), so I was instructed to get thick training pants and plastic pants and use those. Had lots of accidents -- 'cuz when he needed to go it was right then and there, no time. He's been trained ever since. Pull ups didn't work they were just like diapers. And regular briefs -- he'd poop out the side of them. I suspect the discomfort of the training pants were enough incentive to learn to go on the potty.


Staff member
I thought for sure DS would be trained early because he HATED having a dirty diaper. So when DS was 18 months old, he started expressing an interest in using the toilet. So I got him a potty chair, got him a seat to put on the toilet. And the first time he stooled in the potty chair he screamed in fear about what came out of him and I couldn't get him to go near the thing for another 6 months. If he was in the tub, he'd start to whine, I'd have to put a diaper back on him and he'd soil it. Try to put him on the toilet, he'd scream in terror.

I thought the kid would never ever be potty trained. Before he turned 3 his daycare provider indicated he'd been waking up dry. That he'd actually GO for them (peer presure?), so I was instructed to get thick training pants and plastic pants and use those. Had lots of accidents -- 'cuz when he needed to go it was right then and there, no time. He's been trained ever since. Pull ups didn't work they were just like diapers. And regular briefs -- he'd poop out the side of them. I suspect the discomfort of the training pants were enough incentive to learn to go on the potty.


Staff member
I thought for sure DS would be trained early because he HATED having a dirty diaper. So when DS was 18 months old, he started expressing an interest in using the toilet. So I got him a potty chair, got him a seat to put on the toilet. And the first time he stooled in the potty chair he screamed in fear about what came out of him and I couldn't get him to go near the thing for another 6 months. If he was in the tub, he'd start to whine, I'd have to put a diaper back on him and he'd soil it. Try to put him on the toilet, he'd scream in terror.

I thought the kid would never ever be potty trained. Before he turned 3 his daycare provider indicated he'd been waking up dry. That he'd actually GO for them (peer presure?), so I was instructed to get thick training pants and plastic pants and use those. Had lots of accidents -- 'cuz when he needed to go it was right then and there, no time. He's been trained ever since. Pull ups didn't work they were just like diapers. And regular briefs -- he'd poop out the side of them. I suspect the discomfort of the training pants were enough incentive to learn to go on the potty.


Staff member
I thought for sure DS would be trained early because he HATED having a dirty diaper. So when DS was 18 months old, he started expressing an interest in using the toilet. So I got him a potty chair, got him a seat to put on the toilet. And the first time he stooled in the potty chair he screamed in fear about what came out of him and I couldn't get him to go near the thing for another 6 months. If he was in the tub, he'd start to whine, I'd have to put a diaper back on him and he'd soil it. Try to put him on the toilet, he'd scream in terror.

I thought the kid would never ever be potty trained. Before he turned 3 his daycare provider indicated he'd been waking up dry. That he'd actually GO for them (peer presure?), so I was instructed to get thick training pants and plastic pants and use those. Had lots of accidents -- 'cuz when he needed to go it was right then and there, no time. He's been trained ever since. Pull ups didn't work they were just like diapers. And regular briefs -- he'd poop out the side of them. I suspect the discomfort of the training pants were enough incentive to learn to go on the potty.


Staff member
I thought for sure DS would be trained early because he HATED having a dirty diaper. So when DS was 18 months old, he started expressing an interest in using the toilet. So I got him a potty chair, got him a seat to put on the toilet. And the first time he stooled in the potty chair he screamed in fear about what came out of him and I couldn't get him to go near the thing for another 6 months. If he was in the tub, he'd start to whine, I'd have to put a diaper back on him and he'd soil it. Try to put him on the toilet, he'd scream in terror.
<br />
<br />I thought the kid would never ever be potty trained. Before he turned 3 his daycare provider indicated he'd been waking up dry. That he'd actually GO for them (peer presure?), so I was instructed to get thick training pants and plastic pants and use those. Had lots of accidents -- 'cuz when he needed to go it was right then and there, no time. He's been trained ever since. Pull ups didn't work they were just like diapers. And regular briefs -- he'd poop out the side of them. I suspect the discomfort of the training pants were enough incentive to learn to go on the potty.