Tooth or Sinus infection


New member
I had a tooth filled last week. It was a deep filling. Shortly after the dentist visit my sinuses began to drain. I had some sinus issues before the filling... my husband said my breath and nose smelled funny.
On Sunday my sinuses started to drain full time. I flushed out my nose and had a very large neon green rock. Ever since then my sinuses are still draining and I have started coughing due to the drainage (I am guessing).
Today at about 3pm I had a nasty dizzy spell... I put my head between my leg for a short while. I also had some pain in my upper stomach (right below my breasts). My son felt my back because I suddenly got the chills. He and my husband both said I feel like I have a fever (pretty hot).
On top of all of that my jaw and my filled tooth area hurts pretty awful. I tried to eat a pickle and the cold pickle was horribly painful. Even hot tea hurts my tooth area.
I tried to get a hold of my CF nurse... no luck. I can't get a hold of the dentist until tomorrow.


Super Moderator
Did the dentist give you any antibiotics for the deep filling? Not sure why your tooth still hurts...Does it only hurt with HOT/COLD food & drink? or constant pain?

From what you are describing it sounds like you have some sort of sinus infection OR if you are currently already on antibiotics then maybe a side effect.

Keep us posted.

Wish I could be a bit more helpful!

Hugs to you....



New member
My finally got a hold of my CF nurse. She is starting me on an antibiotic. My dentist is out of town.

The pain seems to be more in my jaw... under the tooth. My jaw is swollen (can see the swelling on my cheek).

We are going to treat the sinus issues and then if the pain and swelling is still present we will be seeing a dentist on Monday.

It was almost to the nerve.... Yes, very deep! I wondered if I should have been on an antibiotic before the dental work. Everyone involved said No. Regretting that decision deeply.

My husband works with a firefighter and he told us to scramble and get that antibiotic. Just waiting on the pharmacy.

Still don't know if this is just a plain sinus infection or something related to my tooth filling.

Hoping and praying the antibiotic helps all my symptoms.


Super Moderator
Despite what everyone said about not needing antibiotics before that filling, I think it would have been best to take antibiotics for that type of dental procedure. Sounds like something is possibly wrong with your tooth. Maybe it's both? Tooth & sinus infection.

Thinking of you ♥