Transitioning from world of work to work at home


New member
Honesty time:

I've never seen myself as the stay-at-home type. A LOT of who I am is wrapped up in my job. Any suggestions to help me transition to being home full-time and taking care of my Lucy (21 months) and the baby due in August? Also, any pointers to helping to promote good health for our CF'er on the way the first year?

Any guidance, advice, pointers, pearls of wisdom, etc. would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!!!



Staff member
I went back to work when DS was 3 months old; however, during my maternity leave (it was summer), I took lots of walks with him in his stroller to get out of the house. Made brief visits to friends. And I did an extra CPT treatment in the afternoon -- so we did a total of 4 a day. It calmed DS and he usually ended up napping.

My first reaction when we finally got home after DS was hospitalized for the first 6 weeks of life, was to keep him "safe" at home -- isolate myself. Once I got into a routine and figured out his schedule, I made sure we got out, even just for short trips around the block or out to the grocery store to pick up a few things. I had a car seat type carrier I could just set in the cart, so I didn't have to worry about germs.



New member
When I stopped working it was because of my health, but my daughter was 18 months. I went nuts.....not well enough to be able to enjoy her or the time home for a good year. Yet not sick enough to keep from going stir crazy. Once I had the strength we were on the go all the time. I didnt know how to utilize my time & missing my job itself & the people I worked with made it even worse. I dont have any real pointers since I kind of still am a fish out of water in many ways relating to being a stay at home Mom. BUT I want you to know that I am here if you have any ???s!


New member
Liza and Melissa,

THANK YOU! I will email/PM WHEN I have questions about getting into a routine and need advice. I am such a dork, I bought BOOKS about how to be a stay at home mom!!!

Thanks again!



New member
The things I noticed that were the most different was lack of structure and lack of adult conversation. I made a point of sort of having a schedule for each day. I joined a mothers' group that was a playgroup, that helped a bit. And I got signed up for one class and got sitters in for that. I lived in Cambridge MA at the time so I got family membership at every museum in town and would take the kids there as soon as they could possibly travel. (Lots of libraries have membership cards that you can "sign out" if you don't want to join.) Actually I made a point of taking the kids (and more importantly me) out every day to somewhere.
who is also a dork and buys a book for every lifestyle change I've ever made - tho' now the web has a lot of info as well....


New member

I am a stay at home mom now but worked pretty much from the time I was old enogh to work unotl I was 7 months prego with my daugher with CF. It is truly an adjustment. I think for anyone to switch from work to stay at home full-time is an adjustment. Our job has added stress. I would often joke at work that I would much rather take care of 5 critically ill patients(I was a nurse) that one cranky baby!

I feel fortunate to stay home. Having a support system, moms with kids your kids age is invaluable. Teach a friend about enzymes, treatments and you can switch off watching kids(this is when you have adjusted to your child's CF). I need time to myself everyday. Some days I get up early, and go for a 3 mile run before my husband goes to work. I burn off alot of stress this way.

There will be times when your needs will be put last, just the way it is when you are the caregiver. Train yourself to take advantage of the healthy times in every way.

I do miss work sometimes, the stimulation of my brain. But I have to say taking care of a child with CF you will definately keep yourself stimulated intellectually. You keep on top of the docs, insurance bills, pharmacy, treatments, research, nutrition, fundrainsing for CF.

Someday, I may go back to nursing, although I often think it may be care-giver overload. We'll see.

REbecca(mom to Sammy7 no CF and Maggie 3 with CF)