There are several Cf care centers in Italy, and two that I know of in Rome. There is CF association in Italy, but I haven't been able to find a website for them. Ask your CF clinic social worker for the contact info for the Italian clinics, and have your doc refer her to them or whatever they need to do so that she can be seen there if need be. Have your doc write a generic travel letter to show airport security if she needs to travel with syringes or a neb and to explain all the meds. The flight itself is no sweat, just make sure she gets plenty of water to help curb jet lag. She can beat the heat over there by drinking fluids with sodium like gatorade, and eating salty snacks. Remind her to wash her hands a little more often or carry some of that anti-bacterial gel. Travel light!!! I suggest a backpacking pack. I use a vest at home, but when I travel, I use acapella or flutter and stay on top of autogenic drainage, or get a friend to beat on me. She needs to talk with the "adults" in charge to let them know her needs. They will be able to help her if there is a problem. I don't know if she's in the habit of chatting w/ her profs about her CF, but I think it is best so that they know how to accomodate me if I need it. She's gonna have a blast!Debbie22 yr old w/ CFps. it's pronounced "fibrosi cistic" in Italian.