Trying to gain weight?


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My Doc and my mom who is a NP, are telling me to gain weight. The thing is it's hard. I'm 120lb and 5'7". They are telling me that I need to be 130 at least. So my question is how do I do it. I do work out to try and gain, but thats not working. I don't drink boost because I don't like it. Does any one know if there is a pill that I can take? I need help!

Sarah w/cf 23


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It's good to gain weight, it's good to have the extra, but keep in mind that they just go by their charts. I try not to worry about it so much, when i stopped worrying about gaining weight i actually gained. I'm 5'5 last year when i cared i weighed only 105. Now i weigh anywhere from 120-125. My family is naturally skinny, but my doctors told me one time that i should be at 140, which is just rediculous (sp). What did i do to start gaining, well i changed relationships, and started to eat right. I actually started eating dinner and other things. Have you tried any shakes to drink before bedtime like scandishakes, or if not even the carnation instant breakfest shakes have 300 calories a carton. Somethine else, i found that now that i eat fake mashed potatoes (the dehydrated stuff you buy in boxes) i started to gain weight, i don't know why, maybe it has something to do with the fact that they kinda look like paste when you make them. I dunno, I find if you don't worry about it so much you gain more weight, the extra stress can cause you to loose more. Hope i was helpful in my rambleings

Ashley 20 w/cf


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I dont think there is a pill to gain weight. That sure would be nice. I was 105lb and 5'8" 2 months ago. I am now 135lb. I did it with a lot of weight lifting, a multi vitamin along with my ADEK. Eating 3,000 calories a day and my diet is a balanced one. No sugars and most importantly no soda. for us CF'ers soda can actually make it very hard for us to gain weight according to my weight trainer and Doc. check some of you local gym's and look into a personal trainer. it sure helped me


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hey ask for remeron......when i started it i gained about 40 pounds in 2 months it helped me gain weight. its a really big appetite booster....

jennifer 22w/cf.......6 weeks preg.<img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-happy.gif" border="0">


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I know it sounds kind of yucky. But I don't know how it taste as I have no difficulty with weight. But on another site some people have heavy cream you buy at the store and mix it with hershey's choc syrup. They say their kids drink it right up. But watch you dont drink too much. Because their off to the bathroom. They drink one cup. a day. Its like 1500 caleries. Might help ya. Becky in mich


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If your doctors are wanting you to gain weight ask them about Megace (Megesterol). It was mainly used for people with Cancer and Aids to enhance their appetite. My daughter was on it a couple of years ago. It's a short term aid. She used it for about two months then quit and about a year later went on it again for about a month and hasn't been on it since. It had not been used on anyone younger than teens at that time. Boy did she have an appetite after about two days. I mean she had a good appetite before but after, wow. She ate about four times a day, complete meals.

The docs always told us that they wanted reserve weight on her. Both myself and my husband were skinny kids. I say were, age does alot to a person, not to mention the high calorie foods. We have nothing diet or low cal in our house. Well OK my husband drinks diet soda. I had to wonder though, how much of her thinness was genetic? At her age, 18, I didn't weigh 100 lbs. So I wondered, how much weight can she gain if she's predisposed to being thin anyway?

Anyway, ask them about Megace, it's a wonder drug. Not a pill though, it only comes in liquid for the amount needed to work.

(mom of 2teen girls w/CF)


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This is going to sound bizaar, but when I went on birth control I gained 5-6 lbs. I don't know if anyone else with Cf has had a similar experience.


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Depo-provera i heard is not recommended for people with cf... well that's what i heard.. i have a pamphlet on cystic fibrosis and sexuality and it says it's not recommended

Ashley 20 w/cf


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I'm 5'4" and about a year ago I was only about 115lbs. I am on birth control to help keep my wieght steady. I eat a lot of High calories foods and shakes ( scandishankes, ensure,) I eat a lot of Wendy's baked potatoes cuz they have over 700 calories and are o so good <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0"> and snack on pistatios a lot as well ( about 700 calories in one cup) A lot of protein will help as well. I also stopped partying so much and drinking. I go to bed by midnight and get a good nights sleep. rest and sleep have a lot to do with it as well. Now i'm up too 135 lbs and happpy. I feel so much better and it got my doc and everyone else off my back.

Alanna 22/f/cfrd


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its good to eat fatty foods but its even better to eat foods that will give you alot of nutrients. you should ( you really need to) eat AT LEAST 3-4 times a day, it'll keep you healthy and give you more energy..since our energy level is a tad bit on the low end. you can still gain weight and have a balanced diet at the same time so you dont gain TOO much weight.

dont eat/drink alot of things that have milk in it because it makes the mucus thicker then it allready is. and also, you should take vitamins during every meal, i like to take B12 and some Calcium vitamins ( i find that the B12 needle is actu, really faster and gives you more energy then the pill would, talk to your family doctor about getting a monthly B12 needle)

* do you have pancreatic problems? if so, you shouldn't eat foods with alot of salt, actually you should stay as far away as possible from anything with salt in it ( i might be pushing it a little, its not a life or death situation but you really should not eat salt, for your own good)

* what meds are you on, if you dont mind me asking


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Its acctually proven that dairy products do NOT cause thicker mucus...its a food allergy that can in certain people...and the thickness that milk has makes the throat feel thicker with mucus when its the milk thats coated it. Im sure someone else could explain that better. Some people with cf can not cut out dairy because of weight problems...other have to because it messes with the stomach issues. Also milk can make a person feel like they have more mucus but thats a person to person basis. I dont drink alot of milk mainly because it doesnt mix well in my stomach. I do eat alot of cheese.
Also people with cf need salt so dont stay away from it. We lose alot of salt just by sweating. Sure it maybe bad for the stomach but our bodies need it.

I'm like the other poster that said I gained once I stopped worrying. Then its like once you gain a few pounds its alittle easier cus you body has those few pounds to work on and your not playing constant try to catch up. Although I think we will always do that to a point. Yes their charts are off...they wanted me to be 120...I am 5 foot and 98 now..I dont think I will ever be 120. You can add whipping cream to your milk, chocolate...whipping cream taste funny so add it to things. I always say key things are adding things, like butter, milk, whipping cream, cheese, sour cream get the point...Where you can add topping add as much as you baked potatoe with all the trimmings...or if you like just chocolate milk add a table spoon of whipping cream (just makes it a bit thicker) get the idea. Also eat at least three big or balanced least two if you cant manage three and snacks in between, no matter how big it is. A snack maybe just some yogurt or fruit to a sandwhich and chips. Snack or small meals are really good. Dont forget enzymes for anything you put in your tummy. Forgetting those with the smallest meals wont do any good.


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you know before my daughter was dx with cf i never would have believed in a million years that women would want to gain weight. HALLELUJAH!!! lol it funny and wonderful at the same time. anyways back to the subject, im not talking about a high fat diet, what i will say is what works for us. we add fat accessories in a good abundance. im sure youve heard of this but have you thought about it with veggies? mayo and butter on broccoli is wonderful, yes i said mayonaisse. pizza with ranch dressing. etc. i hope im not being redundant to what others say or questioning intellegence im just trying to be helpful. eat right just add more <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-smile.gif" border="0">


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youre right purpl, milk DOES NOT make things thicker. also there are alot of products that help with weight gain as well boost isnt the only one. there are powders to help as well. scadishake adds alot of nutrients with calories. also try a GNC or gym type store.