My son had a positive culture of PA in January. First time ever; considering that he is 10 y/o, diagnosed at 4 months old, I feel even lucky because he has been PA free for that long, I knew it was just about time to get PA, I spend endless hours reading about CF, in this forum and other sources, as a trained mom, I was alert for the next CF battle.
The Dr. prescribed TOBI to my son, (first time on inhaled antibiotic), she suggested one month on, do the culture again, one month off, and then, with the culture results back, to take a decision about a more aggressive treatment, such as 3 months on TOBI, or IV's...
Well, with the bitter news, I order the meds and, at same time, searched for non invasive, non harmful natural help. I read in this forum, I guess, something about RED CABBAGE. A study that suggested that the red pigment in red cabbage has antibiotic properties, specially to kill PA!
I started juicing the whole family twice a day with a combination of red cabbage with apple and carrot, for a sweeter taste. When Tobi arrived, my son started the monthly treatment and kept the juicing as new healthy habit. And a month later, we went back to the clinic, the ptfs went back to baseline, they take a culture, which 2 weeks later was negative. Doctor advice me, this can be a false negative, sometimes happen: Come back in a month for another culture.
Guess what? We have FOUR NEGATIVE CULTURES in a row. Dr is excited, my son surpassed his baseline from fev 85% to 96%. Five months and we still juicing... after all is a great source of vitamins for all of us... and who knows, maybe red cabbage works... at least, will not harm my son...
Please, if you find this experience interesting, please tell your doctor. I am not taking any treatment away from our CF clinic, I am just trying to add some magic from the wisdom of the kitchen. I feel that juicing red cabbage has changed our life, but, again, this may be just silly thoughts of a mom.