Tubes and Tonsils


New member
My 3 year old was scheduled for Tonsil and adenoid removal, and tubes for her ears this past monday. We got there, did all the pre-op, and waited FOREVER! The surgeon came and looked at her blood work before taking her back for surgery and said he wasnt doing the surgery that day. I was a little more than shocked as to why, but apparently my daughters blood dosent clot correctly due to vitamin K deficiency ( sorry about the spelling). She has to have some more blood work done and boost her vit. K THEN they will do the surgery. Has anyone else ever experienced such a problem. I thought she might be a free bleeder after her many many nose bleeds ( same as her father) I guess I was right. Still unsure.



New member
We have had a similar experience. Our oldest dd has Thalasemia. Because of this, she is always anemic and bleeds very easily. She was scheduled to have her tonsils out, and when they did the blood work they decided to check to see how fast she clotted..they did some funky little test, decided to give her a clotting agent..did the test again....then decided they could do the surgery. They said to make sure I do not give her ibuprophen for pain because it thins the blood. None of her other doctors have ever said anything about this.
Good luck with your daughter and her t and a surgery.


New member
Vitamins A, D, E, K are fat soluable vitamins. Since most CFers have problems obsorbing fat we have problems getting enough of these vitamins. Many CFers take ADEK vitamin supplement for this reason. I take the ADEK & an additional Vitamin K because of my history of hemoptysis. Its not surprising that it has been an issue, but I would think annual blood work would give the regular physician a heads up on what your child is lacking. My annual blood work is done to assure I am in the right range & if I am sick or in the hospital it is monitored closer!


New member
My daughters docs put her on ADEKS from birth. And just recently told us to give her two a day instead of one. Im assuming this is to boost her vit. K for the rescheduled surgery. Im hoping it works, her tonsils need to come out, and she needs tubes desperatly. She's had 24 ear infections since birth. AND SHES 3!! It amazes me that they didnt suggest tubes until now.. but hey, what do I know, im just the mom..!
Thanks for the replies!


Staff member
DS has been on Adeks drops twice a day since he was a week old and he started with half a 5 mg vitamin K tablet once week -- he now gets a whole one once a week and two 1 ml dropperfuls of ADEKS a day. He also gets a drop of vitamin A and vitamin E in his chocolate milk once a day. Been doing this practically since he was first diagnosed.

Liza mom to a 2 3/4 year old wcf