<span>At first I want to apologise for my english.<span>I have a daughter. She was born at January of 2007.<span>All the time she had vomiting after eating about some 6-10 times a day till her 10 months. From 6th day till her 7th month she hadchronic conjunctivitis. On 3rd week she has begin chronicrhinitis till our days (sometimes better, sometimes worse).<span>On 8th month she began tocough. After 2 weeks she had pneumonia (like doctore said - from mycoplasma, but it was not activate at the moment of taken analise, she said that mycoplasma was before that) - she had a course of antibacterial therapy. After hospital she was coughing and anything did not help. Doctor thought it is from allergy (but blood tests for allergy gave negative). After that think it iswhooping cough and gave us another course of antibacterial therapy. Anything did not help.<span>On 11th month she was eating a banana and choked. I shaked her and she spat out clot of blood. In ambulance they did her x-ray but everything was in norma. After that I took her on diet for 6 months - she ate only rice, special baby nutrition without milk and bread without glucose.<span>When she was 1 year old the doctor gave us a diagnose - asthma, but salbutamol, hormonal medicaments did not help.<span>On November of 2008 she was in hospital because she had so severe cough attack till half an hour and vomiting (we have only one department of pediatry pulmonology in country) and she had 3 bronchoscopies. In first they found moraxella. She had antibacterial therapy. Computer tomography showed that any pathology was not.<span>At home she was still coughing. After 2 week she had big temperature again. In hospital was found bronchopneumonia and doctor on duty on sunday started give her antibacterial therapy and after that on tuesday at bronchoscopy they could not take a material for bacterial analise.<span>She had first sweat test - result was 87 mmol/l. After 1,5 week the test result was 64 mmol/l. Was taken blood analise for dna for searching the mutation<span class="c2"><span class="c1">Del F508. It was negative. After 6 monts sweat test result was 69 mmol/l.<span class="c2"><span class="c1">All the time she has temperature 38-38.5 for 6 days every 2 weeks-2months, but often every 1 month. Only on summers (3 months june-august) she does not have temperature. Cough is all the time. Only this summer she has not cough from 15th june. All the x-rays showsbronchial obstruction.We gave another blood test of dna to 10 another mutations, but the results will be only on september. Our only diagnose is asthma.<span class="c2"><span class="c1">I am worrying for my daugther because our doctor said that sweat test is not very high and she does not know is it mucoviscidosis but I see that in another countries is diagnosing mucoviscidosis if there is clinique and positive sweat test.<span class="c2"><span class="c1">Tell me please if I should worry for my dauhter and what can I do else for her.