unique gene make-up


New member
I have two identical, rare 9t genes. And I am trying to find anyone
who may be like this, as my doc says I am the only case that he
,and other doctors, has came across. I live in Scotland, but I
reckon that there must be others like me. The thing is , he does
not know how things will pan out for me, and can only speculate as
there is no info on this. I am a healthy 38 year old, my son has CF
and he has been diagnosed as mild.<br>
Parents to12y/o girl[carrier]<br>
boy [CF}<br>
Port Glasgow-Scotland


New member
I'm no help to you, as I have double Delta F508 genes. Supposedly they are one of the most severe genes out there to have, but I have somewhat mild lung involvment, and moderate digestive problems. So you can't always tell whether CF is mild or moderate just by what genes you have.


New member
hi, thanks for reply. When i say my son is mild, it is that his
sweat test came back as normal,also his  'trigger' gene
usually means pancreatic defficiency, which he is not, the whole
gene thing takes a lot of getting used to.<br>