I hesitate in posting this; but, I also know this forum is open to discussion and can be friendly and sometimes have helped me see things from a different perspective. Some of you know that I have needed to consider changing my career choice. I went to school for about 6 years to become a speech pathologist followed by a year of a clinical fellowship. Changing direction does not come easy for me. I was very excited about the University of Phoenix announcements when they first appeared on the forum. I have done some research though and have found some things out there that concern me about getting an online degree. It is a LOT of work and there is some evidence that it may not be recognized as a legitimate learning institution and that some employers might hesitate in recognizing the source of the education as being adequate. That being said, my husband did read yesterday that about 67% of employers consider online degrees as adequate and sometimes better than a traditional education. I don't want to pass up applying for an opportunity; however, I don't want to spend many hours to end up where I started. I know this may be a harsh post, I'm just into asking real questions especially when it involves people on this forum who I care about deeply.