UPDATE Looking to adopt cf child.



We got THE call on Monday!!! We start the visitation process on Thursday. I have seen posts on the vest, those of you that have it did you ask for it or was it given to you? I'm asking because I know that she doesn't like the "pats".

Fostermom: now mom to 3 girls 9yrsw/o cf, 6yrsw/o cf, and 2yrs w/cf


New member
Dear Fostermom
When you go to CF clinic appts, talk to the doctor and they will hopefully write you a prescription and it will be paid for. The vest is Great!!!! we love it....


Kaitsmom<img src="i/expressions/rose.gif" border="0">


New member
Medicare pays for the vest (<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href="http://www.cff.org/legislative_action/public_health_and_reimbursement/">http://www.cff.org/legislative_action/public_health_and_reimbursement/</a>), you may have luck with any medical programs that the child is on.

The vest really is an ingenius invention. There are some who don't like it, even as adults but for the most part, people do like it and it doesn't require someone to have to be around (as a child gets older) for them to do their treatment. It has been a lifesaver in my sanity with my husband. Instead of doing 2 hours of chest PT on him every day manually, he now does it himself for 20 minutes, 2 times a day. When he is sick, really sick, we still do the over the bed/couch postural MANUAL drainage and chest PT,but that's only for a week or two every few months when he gets really sick.

I am so excited for you guys!!!


New member
A very important factor is to have the child be seen my an accredited CF center. Not only is this good for your adoption case, but they are much better equiped to help with the vest & any other CF related needs. Congrats on getting this far & as a CFer I appreciate you taking on the responsibility & doing it with such an open heart!


New member
Wow, I am so impressed that you are willing to open your arms to adopt a child with CF. It may sound corny, but I've always told my hub that along with those CF genes, CF-ers have wonderful hearts and such a strong love for life. I've been touched by every single CF patient I've ever met. I think you are doing a wonderful thing by reaching out to a child with CF and I congratulate you. My hub and I have often talked about the possibility of adoption (we have two children - our youngest with CF...and we're quite sure that we're "done") and how great it would be if we could take on another CF child. It's a shame that those who aren't siblings can't really live in the same home. <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> All the best - please keep us posted and let us know how everything goes!
