Medicare pays for the vest (<a target=new class=ftalternatingbarlinklarge href=""></a>), you may have luck with any medical programs that the child is on.
The vest really is an ingenius invention. There are some who don't like it, even as adults but for the most part, people do like it and it doesn't require someone to have to be around (as a child gets older) for them to do their treatment. It has been a lifesaver in my sanity with my husband. Instead of doing 2 hours of chest PT on him every day manually, he now does it himself for 20 minutes, 2 times a day. When he is sick, really sick, we still do the over the bed/couch postural MANUAL drainage and chest PT,but that's only for a week or two every few months when he gets really sick.
I am so excited for you guys!!!