Update on Greg


New member
Lungs clouded back on vent to rest. Xray this morning will tell if all okay and he just needs to rest on vent for a couple of days, or if lungs injured in trauma - then on vent til they heal. I asked dr. if he's worried, he said no. I asked him to tell me when I should worry, he said he would. Thanks for your kind thoughts and prayers. jan


New member
The lungs go through a sort of trauma when they are transplanted. Like people handling them, the transportation of the lungs. This all is considered trauma and can cause injury to the lungs. Like for instance I had bronchitis for the first couple weeks post transplant because of everyone handling them in the operating room.

Double Lung tx 11.11.04


New member
My hubby & I had a lengthy chat about tx last nite & he had many ??? I could not answer. Is it ok if I email you with all of his ???. Maybe you can/cant answer, but maybe you can try? I am not at a tx point, but he likes to be on top of things before necessarily needed.


New member
That would be fine with me. My e-mail is lapsansm@lafayette.edu. Put transplant in the subject line so that I don't erase it. I will answer all of your questions that I am able to.
Double Lung tx 11.11.04


New member
Update from Jan - the lung bruise is probably from reprofusion - when the recipient's blood first flows into the donor's lungs. Lungs are so delicate, and they need to be pumped with blood within 4 - 6 hours. Most of my knowledge comes from reading everything I could on the web, and of course, what his dr. tells us. It is not uncommon, but not optimal. I haven't seen him this am yet (going now). I will update his web page every morning (which will be yesterday's news) www.standinginthegap4greg.org because it will save me time. Thank you all for your kind thoughts. I have only skimmed them because I am in a hurry! I will read them more when he gets in a regular room hopefully first of next week.

jan (wife of Greg 45 cf'er w/cepacia tx 11-1-05)


New member
Lung damage prior to or in transit is not atypical. One of my lungs had some issues and the pneumonia did not help the issue.

Jan if you did not get some of my prior post to you, my wife put me on a vent around 6 times, saved my life. I had a DNR. No I am not angry for her actions.

CF TX 55 cepacia (2000 TX)


New member
First time I could get to a computer - Greg's vent out today! YEA!!! Lungs look good. Bad news, however, nurse misread dr.'s directions to increase antirejection meds from 4 to 5 times A DAY and she increased it to 5 PILLS EACH TIME. We will not know for a few days if she damaged his kidneys.

Thank you for all your kind thoughts & prayers. I'll update site when I can (updated today).

I am at a loss for words to express my deepest sympathy for Jess and Allan's family.

God bless us all.



New member
I am hoping for you and for Greg that the nurse's mistake will not have any kidney repurcussions, and hopefully he will continue to perservere. This must be very difficult for you but you seem so strong and optimistic. I was on the website and although I couldn't find any mention of it, I was wondering if Greg had/has cepacia? I saw the mention of meropenem and sending cultures to Ottawa....
I hope so much that everything continues to go as planned, or better than! Please know that everyone on here is thinking of you


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I am hoping and praying for Greg, he's so lucky to have gotten a lung transplant, I hope it works for him!


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As someone who is going to be an RN real soon, yikes that scares me. My biggest fear is that I would do something that horrible and possibly hurt one of my patients that I was trying to help. I bet I remember this story forever and I bet I think twice before I give a med.....I can't imagine how that mistake shook your confidence in the health care system.....I am trusting that Greg is not going to have any negative consequences as a result of that error. At least they were honest with you which means something but holy moly that is a huge medication error. I don't want to dare say I don't understand how that can happen, but it is hard because that is such a huge dose of medicine that I would think the nurse should have had a red flag go up before she gave the med..

Thanks for the update,



New member
Hi Caitlin,
Yes Greg had/has b.cepacia.

Jan, Thank you for the updates. Im so glad he is doing well, and i'll continue to pray for him.


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Greg's vent is out and he is doing great! Took deep breaths so they can listen to his lungs -- and no coughing fit. I know you all will know what that means! He is a little groggy from being sedated for a week, but everything is looking good. Thank God - his kidneys are still A-OK.

Yes, Greg has cepacia (type III), pseudonomas, stenotrophomonas and after those I stopped asking, since it couldn't get much worse!

Take care - and I did update website, too.

(Wife of Greg, 45/cf'er w/cepacia, tx'd 11-1-05)


New member
Greg was tranpslanted at Methodist Hospital (Clarian) in Indianapolis.

He is ambulatory and will be sent to the transplant floor (regular room) as soon as room available. If all goes well, he will be sent home sometime next week.

He is not wearing any oxygen -- first time in 2.5 years.

Wow. Jan