Update on John


New member
Hi Guys,

Just wanted to update you and let you know that John has taken a very bad turn for the worse... He is septic, his kidneys have stopped functioning and he is on the highest amount of blood pressure medicine he can be on to keep his blood pressure up.

They do not expect him to make it through the day/night.

I will update more later. For now I am looking into plane tickets so I can fly out there. ( maybe) I want to hold his hand...

Please if you pray, pray for John and his family.. I love them so very much... I am still holding out for a miracle for John....

I will post more later....

Just wanted to get the word out....




New member
I am so sorry Jenn. That is so hard to deal with. When I was reading your message I could not believe my eyes. I had high hopes for John. It is so difficult when you go septic that is one complication that it impossible to bounce back from. You are an Angel to do all you do for him and your friends. Love,


New member
Jen, I've been following all your posts on his progress. I am so sad to hear of this and so so very sorry. I will be praying for him and for you through this. I hope you are able to find a ticket to go be by his side. Maybe that will help!

Much love to you Jen!

Many prayers for him and his family,


I have John and Jenny in my thoughts. It must be so hard what they are going through, especially Jenny...
And you of course, being a good friend of theirs.

I hope that somehow he makes a turn for the better...


New member
Oh Jenn, I am so sorry to hear this. Please try to keep us updated. I don't normally pray, but I will pray for John and his family, and will keep you all in my thoughts.


New member
Oh, I am soooo sadenned by this. Please know John is in my thoughts and prayers. God Bless you all during this difficult time.


New member
I am so sad to see this <img src="i/expressions/face-icon-small-sad.gif" border="0"> I will keep you all in my prayers.